Island Of Misfits

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Good morning insomniac Misfits! We're still zoomin' from eating two of those 100 mg gummies today. It is a cool 56 outside - got the windows open, fan blowin', me and my baby are on the couch under a blanket getting ready to smoke a bowl
Getting ready for winter, huh? 🤪
Decided to move the grow area from the garage to a spare bedroom. I have concerns about the cold temperatures, and the bedroom offers a warmer and more stable environment for growth. I have surgery coming up in October, so I need to get busy over the next two weeks. My friend (the one that gives me clones) is going to help me clean up the bedroom and get things set up
ordered some acid to try and raise those serial numbers. It’s an M1, def not stamped M2 so it wasn’t the full auto version so I should be able to get it legal. If I can raise those numbers I can have them restamped.
You may have a souvenir brought back from WW-II. A lot of them had their number ground off for that reason.
You may have a souvenir brought back from WW-II. A lot of them had their number ground off for that reason.
I was reading online, a fellow just bought one at a gun show. “It was brought home in a duffle bag”. And was clearly a rebuilt model with later years parts.
I was thinking, man mine prolly was brought home in a duffle bag.
@Hippie420 if the acid raises them, they will be so faint you’ll hardly see them. I figured to stamp them in a different area so as to not disturb the original numbers. That way I could argue the reason for restamping. It was common when fitted with an adjustable rear sight to stamp them again in a different spot since the upgraded sight covered the original numbers.
Good morning insomniac Misfits! I like to study ancient languages, especially Latin, Greek and Hebrew. With that said, the letters INRI (found on a crucifix) represents the Latin phrase for "Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum" - (I is a J), meaning "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews".

However, to the ancient alchemists, those letters represent the Latin phrase "Igne Natura Renovator Integra", meaning - "by fire, nature renews itself".

Two different phrases from the same INRI letters, with somewhat similar themes (Jesus rose from the dead = nature renews itself). One is theological, the other is scientific. Similar to "The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion" which is one of the theosophies of Thelema.

Anyways, this is one of the things my stoner brain studies during free time 🤔
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Thelema is an ancient Greek word that means "will" - it can also mean "divine will", "inclination", "desire" or "pleasure". One of the basic tenets of a Thelemite is "Do what Thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"... In other words, do whatever pleases you, as long as it harms no other. It comes from the text "Liber AL Vel Legis", which is Latin for "Book of the Law".
Thelema uses the "Sigillum Sanctum Fraternitatis AA" - Latin for "Holy Seal of the Fraternity of AA", with the letters AA representing "Argenteum Astrum", Latin for "Silver Star", with the seal depicting a heptagram (seven point star).

Well, hope I didn't bore everyone with the Latin, Greek and Thelema lessons. I find It interesting and it's something that keeps my synapses firing🔥
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Been cleaning up the spare bedroom, got a nice area set up for my new grow area. This will be much better, I won't have to worry about Sub-Zero temperatures making it too cold in the garage for good growing conditions. I remember last winter, it got down to -10° with a wind chill of -40°. It was bad - our heat pump locked up and had to run it on straight furnace setting. The little radiator heater was cranking full blast to keep the corner in the garage warm enough.
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Time to smoke a bowl and then finish moving grow stuff. It was a lot quicker to switch stuff around than I thought it would be. My high-tech redneck grow boxes are made from plastic, cardboard and duct tape - very lightweight and easy to move. Nothing fancy about 'em, but serves their purpose. The tent is where the real action happens 😁


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