Island Of Misfits

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Typewriter Guns by Eric Nado

Weird how that guy made these from old typewriters.

Morning. Got up early this morning to finish a horror movie I started last night. The movie was called "The Howling Village" ..Japanese horror (The best in my opinion)...Was pretty good. Now off to the grocery store with the wife...
Morning gang. Putting some labor into the Citabria this morning. Flaps are done. Now to fit the ailerons. Wing almost ready to cover.
Going to finish a quail aviary today. Back is locking up. Dang I wish I’d been smoother in my teenage years. That loan came due a lot sooner than I’d had it figured.


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At least she's wearing sensible footwear.
Back is locking up. Dang I wish I’d been smoother in my teenage years. That loan came due a lot sooner than I’d had it figured.
I saw a young buck jumping off a scaffold and quietly admonished his actions. He gave me the look that I used to give oldtimers when they'd say the same thing to me. Made me smile. I hit it from a different angle. I asked him if he'd noticed how I walk right after getting up from a 15 minute break. It took me around 20 paces before I could get my back straight. He didn't say anything, but I could tell it sunk in when I noticed he started climbing down rather than jumping off a scaffold. Bet he still remembers. Wisdom handed down from someone that's been there and done that.
Wish I'd have listened like he did.
I saw a young buck jumping off a scaffold and quietly admonished his actions. He gave me the look that I used to give oldtimers when they'd say the same thing to me. Made me smile. I hit it from a different angle. I asked him if he'd noticed how I walk right after getting up from a 15 minute break. It took me around 20 paces before I could get my back straight. He didn't say anything, but I could tell it sunk in when I noticed he started climbing down rather than jumping off a scaffold. Bet he still remembers. Wisdom handed down from someone that's been there and done that.
Wish I'd have listened like he did.
Hee, hee, hee, that reminds me of the time I used the table saw in the maintenance carpentry shop where I worked and the head carpenter came over and showed me his missing fingers, with attendant lecture. I resented it at the time because I took wood shop in high school and was operating the saw safely.

I grinned and thanked him to keep the peace and the next day when I came to work I couldn't help but notice that his hand was bandaged up and he was missing some more fingers. The embarrassed look on his face was priceless as was the lesson that even the professionals can get careless.

PS: The last person I laughed with about that was also a carpenter, who subsequently lost two fingers to a dido blade.
At least she's wearing sensible footwear.

I saw a young buck jumping off a scaffold and quietly admonished his actions. He gave me the look that I used to give oldtimers when they'd say the same thing to me. Made me smile. I hit it from a different angle. I asked him if he'd noticed how I walk right after getting up from a 15 minute break. It took me around 20 paces before I could get my back straight. He didn't say anything, but I could tell it sunk in when I noticed he started climbing down rather than jumping off a scaffold. Bet he still remembers. Wisdom handed down from someone that's been there and done that.
Wish I'd have listened like he did.
Hard to tell a young man anything. You have to figure out how to teach without making them feel lesser than yourself.
Hee, hee, hee, that reminds me of the time I used the table saw in the maintenance carpentry shop where I worked and the head carpenter came over and showed me his missing fingers, with attendant lecture. I resented it at the time because I took wood shop in high school and was operating the saw safely.

I grinned and thanked him to keep the peace and the next day when I came to work I couldn't help but notice that his hand was bandaged up and he was missing some more fingers. The embarrassed look on his face was priceless as was the lesson that even the professionals can get careless.

PS: The last person I laughed with about that was also a carpenter, who subsequently lost two fingers to a dido blade.
I used to work with a guy that lost three fingers in two separate accidents and also lost an eye. We always said he was so mad all the time cuz he lost his trigger finger
I knew two guys that magicly lost the first joint on their trigger fingers with a HAND saw. Both were right handed, so they must have been using their left hand to saw with. Happened right around the time Vietnam took off.

I'm with ya on talking to young bloods, Dog. I was on a job one time where there was tons of insulation going in the walls and ceilings. Cubs get stuck with it most of the time, and we've all done our share.
Anyhoo, the oldsters told him to go home and take a hot shower to get the glass dust off. We happened to be walking out together, so I told him NOT to take a hot shower, and to make it as cold as he could stand at first, and to not rub/wash himself 'til he'd let the water rinse the glass off. He says, "Yeah, you old fuks are always ribbing your apprentices." I smiled and said OK. He caught back up to me just before I climbed in the truck and asked why the water should be cold first. I told him hot water opened up the pores in your skin, and if he took a hot shower first, he'd have one of the most miserable nights he'd ever had.

Next day, the oldsters asked him how it went. He told them he'd done just as they had said. He looked over at me and gave me a wink.
Took some NL#5 and Apple Fritter cuts today. 2 new ones to get into rotation. Been thinking about buying a Super Silver Haze cut supposedly sourced in the 90's. I love them old school genetics.

Thining about going down and working in the garden for a bit. got transplanting to do.

Can't wait, I got a couple of these beauties to throw on the grill tonight!
Hard to tell a young man anything. You have to figure out how to teach without making them feel lesser than yourself.
Well if y’all would learn to ask for directions or read directions for that matter. It would help.😂

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