Island Of Misfits

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Well an incubator failed, killed a dozen chicks that had hatched. And another 60 eggs that probably would have hatched.
I have one incubator left, it’s new and a good brand. Should have a set hatch this weekend. Researching, considering the idea of building my own incubator out of foam insulation board. Thermostat, heater element, circulation fan. And an audible alarm for temps out of range.
I had one fail when I was a couple of weeks away from a small batch of ducks hatching. I knew a farmer that had some banty hens he'd sell cheap. You ought to see how a little bitty mama chicken can cover six rouen duck eggs. Bless her heart, she hatched 'em out and kept 'em warm 'til they got big. First time she took 'em out in the pen, I had dumped their water dish and was in the process of filling it up, and the baby ducks went running for the puddle. She tried to heard 'em away, even to the point of getting her feet wet, but she gave up.

I think my daughter was around three when I had a batch hatch. I spotted one that had pipped through the egg, so I sat her down and put the egg in her little hands. The smiles she got when it hatched out in her hands will stick in my mind forever.
Good morning brothers and sisters!

A cloudy day here starting at 57F and predicted to soar to 74F.

What a day yesterday was with the internet out most of the day and once it came back on, the power went out until after bedtime.

I planted some oat seeds for our cat Melissa, to see if she likes it better than Winter Wheat grass.

Dinner out at Uncle Chens's Dynasty with an old friend from out of town. Good food, good friends, and a good time!

This morning started on an upbeat note with Miss Layla nuzzling me awake for our morning hugging and scratching love in, followed my Melissa catching me on the throne for her morning love in.
Good morning, Misfits.

GW, it's the opposite at the ranch. I get the dog visits on the throne, and I run the gauntlet of cat scratches and pets on the way to the kitchen. I wake normally to the squawkes of the conures when they see daylight or hear the dogs barking when the Pullet heads off to work.

Beemer Bill's Botanical Balm allowed me a nice bit of sleep. Got two more tires to repair this morning and a little more reorganizing in the garage and then it's off to the gym. That's four out of four flat tires on the yard cart I bought for the Old Hen. Glad it didn't have five.

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