Island Of Misfits

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I'm 68 and still working.
I walk all day long and up and down stairs. Fk a GYM🖕
I'm 61, put a chair together for my neighbor... a big egg shaped chair for her porch.... took me 2 days and now my arms hurt so bad. something tells me I've let myself go just a wee bit. LOL.

Disabled since 2003... but when my hips went is when I became imoble for 10yrs, now paying for it.

Pressure washed the driveway last week... omg. hahaha. yet it feels good to be sore from working again.
so keep at it hopper... keeps ya young
I'm 68 and still working.
I walk all day long and up and down stairs. Fk a GYM🖕
I had one if those jobs. I used to locate ug utilities. Gas, Electric and CATV were my specialties. I was proficient in phone but gated to locate it. It is the most bass ackwards utility ever at least it was in IL, NM and CO. Would get miles and miles to locate on I-10 with all the streetlights. Only been hit by a car once in a carwash parking lot. Stupid Morons. Lucky for me I only got a bumper sized bruise on my thy. The dispatcher laughed when I told her I git hit by a car. The boss heard her and she got fired. Oops
My last job I did a lot of walking, it was before cell phones and fancy electronics... so to check on jobs and mechanics I walked about 4 miles a day. Towed 37ft SeaRay's to the lake, that is no longer there...sad. I grew up in Vegas during Lake Mead's hayday. worked at SeaRay of Las Vegas as Service/Parts Mgr.. great job really.. 270 Sundancer to use on weekends... now the Marina we kept it in is closed, no water.

First job ever I made $1.85hr at the Skyway Drive In out in Vegas.... extra $ I'd clean the lot Sat & Sun morning and was amazed at just what people can leave behind... from beer unopened to weed to $.. and no lost & found here guys... hahaha. just lost. I watched Escape From Alcatraz so many times working the ticket booth I can make a paper mache' head of Clint Eastwood blind folded... hehe
Planning on visiting my brother tomorrow. The Mrs. has not seen his assisted living home yet, and I think we are going to eat at the China Inn restaurant. And, of course, we will slide off to one of his spots to smoke a bowl.

I really am glad that he likes where he lives now, and he doesn't have any drama with our sister anymore. Makes a big difference in a person's overall health and well-being.
I got a call from an old friend from school, who was all freaked out about something. Apparently, he went out drinking all night and needed to sort things out with someone he trusted.

So he frantically tells me that he was embarrassed and ashamed at what happened. I tried to reassure him that things will be OK, and he could trust me. He calmed down and told me, "Promise not to tell anyone, but I blew chunks last night!"

I told him that it would be fine, that these things can happen when you drink too much alcohol. But he insisted "You don't understand - I blew chunks!" Again, I stressed the role of alcohol in what had occurred. He appeared a bit agitated by now, and yelled out, "You don't get it! Chunks is my dog!!"
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Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy today starting at 63F and predicted to reach 86F.

!@#$%^&*()_+ I ordered some Bloom from Amazon and it was due yesterday after I paid for expedited delivery. Alas yesterday afternoon I got notice that they wouldn't deliver until the 8th and shortly thereafter the 14th.

When I tried to cancel it wouldn't let me and said I also couldn't return it, soooo I had to talk to a person, who also wouldn't let me cancel, but said I could return it once it arrived, whenever that might be........... I'm going to try to find it here locally.
I had one if those jobs. I used to locate ug utilities. Gas, Electric and CATV were my specialties. I was proficient in phone but gated to locate it. It is the most bass ackwards utility ever at least it was in IL, NM and CO. Would get miles and miles to locate on I-10 with all the streetlights. Only been hit by a car once in a carwash parking lot. Stupid Morons. Lucky for me I only got a bumper sized bruise on my thy. The dispatcher laughed when I told her I git hit by a car. The boss heard her and she got fired. Oops
I'm a Facilities Manager of a Mall, 2 hospitals and several properties around the Mall. So I walk a lot. Sometimes I get a little chest pain so I take one of my Nitros and I'm good. Had open heart surgery 11yrs ago.
Thirty years walking as a letter carrier in the USPS, hobbies of sports, hiking, fishing and golf. I've used my knees far harder than they deserve. I'm just glad to be mobile and without extreme pain. I don't skip the elevator for the stairs anymore. Two knee surgeries so far. Hopefully I won't need more if I can stay moderately active.
I got a call from an old friend from school, who was all freaked out about something. Apparently, he went out drinking all night and needed to sort things out with someone he trusted.

So he frantically tells me that he was embarrassed and ashamed at what happened. I tried to reassure him that things will be OK, and he could trust me. He calmed down and told me, "Promise not to tell anyone, but I blew chunks last night!"

I told him that it would be fine, that these things can happen when you drink too much alcohol. But he insisted "You don't understand - I blew chunks!" Again, I stressed the role of alcohol in what had occurred. He appeared a bit agitated by now, and yelled out, "You don't get it! Chunks is my dog!!"
You and your dad jokes…lol
My dear old Mother used to get migraines. They'd put her down for three days at a whack. Movement, noise, or light would make it worse. Bedrest in a quiet, dark room is the only thing that would help her. She eventually grew out of them, but if she'd had them late in life, I'd have tried the cannabis route with her to see if it would give her relief.
My dear old Mother used to get migraines. They'd put her down for three days at a whack. Movement, noise, or light would make it worse. Bedrest in a quiet, dark room is the only thing that would help her. She eventually grew out of them, but if she'd had them late in life, I'd have tried the cannabis route with her to see if it would give her relief.
It helps me most of the time. NL works wonders but not ready yet. I am not sure what strain was in the ghee the neighbor gave me. It’s strong though.
Evening folks. Eased down in the basement to water the girls, turn some quail eggs in the incubator and feed the fish. Have a 40 gal in the basement that hasn’t had any maintenance in over a year. I add water as needed for evaporation. Haven’t cleaned the gravel or replaced any water. It’s a planted tank with ample vegetation, plus the bio load is low. Just a few loaches for bottom cleaning, a handful of snails and a handful of little neon tetra’s. I rarely see the fish, they stay down in the vegetation. I need to clean the algae off the glass and I’ll snap a pic one day.

Some distant family came over today. Their seven year old wanted to watch the model planes fly. We spent two hours out at the field. Flew a handful of things. And let him fly a little.
He worked the rudder and throttle while I flew the rest.
He loved it, it was nerve wracking for me. Never knowing when to expect 0-100% throttle. And the rudder was going wild, I spent the time counteracting his controls to maintain half assed control of the bird😂. Sent him home with a spare radio and my simulator. Maybe he can spent his time and money playing with models instead of a dang video game.

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