Island Of Misfits

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AC is back up and running. A capacitor and its contacts took a dump. Diagnostic fee and parts & labor = $502.47 with a senior discount. Guy said the contacts were scorched, but he'd seen worse. I figured for the extra bucks, just replace 'em. If it turned out later that they completely fried, it would be another $109 show up fee + the price of the contacts. Might as well get it done right.

Only got up to 77 in the house. I kept the curtains closed to keep the sun out, so it wasn't like it was a sweat box in here. It's 84 outside, so it would have gotten a lot warmer by sundown.
Man we see weeks where it gets down to 82 at five am. Ac goes out down in southern georgia you better be friends with an ac guy for sure.
A little boy was at his grandma's house and she had just baked homemade cookies. She sat the huge plate of cookies on the table and said, "Help yourself!"

The boy had already eaten four cookies when his grandma said, "Eat another one." The boy said, "No, thank you, ma'am. I'm full." So his grandma said, "Well, why don't you put a few in your pockets for later?" He replied, "No, ma'am, they're all full, too."
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous day starting at 63F and predicted to reach 97F.

I ordered a different Bloom for my tamaters and it is due today. I've got gorgeous plants, full and taller than I can reach, but damn few blooms or tamaters. Hope the new Bloom one works better than the last one.

Off to the gym first thing and then I'm off seeking joy, amazement, and pleasure, wherever that takes me.
Morning Misfits. Up early and got critters fed and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff done already. Nothing left to do besides making some suet cakes for the backyard birdies and a trip to the gym this afternoon. Got rain on the way, allegedly. Rain = more time on mower duty.

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