Island Of Misfits

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Good Fried day morning brothers and sisters!

Partially cloudy with rain starting at 54F and predicted to reach 67F.

Alas and alack, a truck drove over the curb and hit one of the 6" plus limbs of the dwarf Maple that the city planted in our side parking strip, shearing it off and blocking off the sidewalk and intersection in front of our house with debris. I dragged it off of the sidewalk and out of the street before calling an arborist who finally showed up and chipped the mess. Adding insult to injury, to my discredit I didn't first ask for a quote and the arborist handed me a $750 for his services, which I had estimated at $200. I finally paid him $500 and told him we would no longer use his services.

Nothing on the calendar and no plans until we see how this global Friday 13 jihad thing goes here in River City.
Good Fried day morning brothers and sisters!

Partially cloudy with rain starting at 54F and predicted to reach 67F.

Alas and alack, a truck drove over the curb and hit one of the 6" plus limbs of the dwarf Maple that the city planted in our side parking strip, shearing it off and blocking off the sidewalk and intersection in front of our house with debris. I dragged it off of the sidewalk and out of the street before calling an arborist who finally showed up and chipped the mess. Adding insult to injury, to my discredit I didn't first ask for a quote and the arborist handed me a $750 for his services, which I had estimated at $200. I finally paid him $500 and told him we would no longer use his services.

Nothing on the calendar and no plans until we see how this global Friday 13 jihad thing goes here in River City.
He is not a true tree arborist unless he charges
An arm and a Limb?
Good Fried day morning brothers and sisters!

Partially cloudy with rain starting at 54F and predicted to reach 67F.

Alas and alack, a truck drove over the curb and hit one of the 6" plus limbs of the dwarf Maple that the city planted in our side parking strip, shearing it off and blocking off the sidewalk and intersection in front of our house with debris. I dragged it off of the sidewalk and out of the street before calling an arborist who finally showed up and chipped the mess. Adding insult to injury, to my discredit I didn't first ask for a quote and the arborist handed me a $750 for his services, which I had estimated at $200. I finally paid him $500 and told him we would no longer use his services.

Nothing on the calendar and no plans until we see how this global Friday 13 jihad thing goes here in River City.
Try summiting the Bill to the City, explaining it was a hazard and needed to be done right away Not two weeks when they may have gotten to it.
Morning folks
Where are my manners, sorry not enough Coffee Gals anymore.

Moved an old TV Monitor from 1980 RCA ColorTrak 2000
It worked fine, and now I find out it had collector value, $400
Thing weighed about 300lbs , hard to believe I use to carry this by myself upstairs by myself.
Now I used a drop bench to get in from cabinet to floor and onto a hand truck and down a flight of small stairs.
Yep I pulled my darn back, Laid up today and hope not tomorrow.
What happen to the Superman we once were ?
Try summiting the Bill to the City, explaining it was a hazard and needed to be done right away Not two weeks when they may have gotten to it.
Perversely, although the city planted the tree on my property against my wishes (under overhead power lines), I am responsible for maintaining it.

The real pisser is that I must first get a permit to trim the tree, and if I don't trim the tree, I get threatening letters from the city reminding me that I am responsible and that a permit ($) is required.

Scoff law that I am, I did not pay for a permit to clean up the debris, nor to my everlasting shame and discredit, to have the broken limb sawed flush with the tree, which is clearly an egregious violation of city ordinances.
Perversely, although the city planted the tree on my property against my wishes (under overhead power lines), I am responsible for maintaining it.

The real pisser is that I must first get a permit to trim the tree, and if I don't trim the tree, I get threatening letters from the city reminding me that I am responsible and that a permit ($) is required.

Scoff law that I am, I did not pay for a permit to clean up the debris, nor to my everlasting shame and discredit, to have the broken limb sawed flush with the tree, which is clearly an egregious violation of city ordinances.
your secret is safe with us Brother ☝️
Morning folks
Where are my manners, sorry not enough Coffee Gals anymore.

Moved an old TV Monitor from 1980 RCA ColorTrak 2000
It worked fine, and now I find out it had collector value, $400
Thing weighed about 300lbs , hard to believe I use to carry this by myself upstairs by myself.
Now I used a drop bench to get in from cabinet to floor and onto a hand truck and down a flight of small stairs.
Yep I pulled my darn back, Laid up today and hope not tomorrow.
What happen to the Superman we once were ?
Sad , what we were we are not anymore.
Perversely, although the city planted the tree on my property against my wishes (under overhead power lines), I am responsible for maintaining it.

The real pisser is that I must first get a permit to trim the tree, and if I don't trim the tree, I get threatening letters from the city reminding me that I am responsible and that a permit ($) is required.

Scoff law that I am, I did not pay for a permit to clean up the debris, nor to my everlasting shame and discredit, to have the broken limb sawed flush with the tree, which is clearly an egregious violation of city ordinances.
So if that tree branch had fallen in middle of road blocking all traffic flow, you still are responsible for it?

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