Island Of Misfits

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I went to three parties last year

One as a like a dark forest nymph...wore leather and feathers and horns
One as queen of the damned (but sluttier)
And one party went as sort of a kitty - I wore shiny mesh jeweled top, shiny jewelled thong, and a shiny cat ears lol
I remember
Good morning Islanders!

A clear day today, starting at 53F and predicted top reach 77F.

Got a letter from an adjacent corporate landlord to one of our rentals, whom I don't care for, informing us that our Oak tree's limbs are protruding over their property, and demanding that all of the limbs be removed that extend over the fence line, as well as two volunteer Maple trees removed that are growing between our fence and their garage.

I don't care for them because besides being CS on things like tree limbs, one of their tenant's planted ivy at one point, which destroyed the shingles on the back of our garage, and they not only disavowed any knowledge or responsibility, but instead responded with a litany of counter complaint about our tenants dogs, back yard sunbathing scantily dressed, kids noise, et al .

Hee, hee, hee, I replaced the shingles, but used two different colors and then didn't paint them to match, so that their tenants had to continue to look at it. They eventually painted them to match and imagine my joy this time informing them that the Oak tree that they are referring to, is not on our property, but growing from the lot south of us and that the volunteer Maples were on their side of the fence, not ours.

The fun part is that they will need to access the volunteer Maples from our fence side to remove them, or take out a garage wall, and will of course need my permission..........................

Breakfast out this morning at Milo's Cafe. It is open under new ownership, and we haven't tried it since the change in owners.

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