Island Of Misfits

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I spent 40 years in south Florida one thing I do know is endless summer.........I fuckin hate summer.
Give me below zero and sideways snow!
I was like that until about 45 after that. Worked outside most of my life as an underground utility locator. Gas electric catv and phone. I hate locating phone they used yo get paid by the foot I think because I have had stuff start by the front corner of the house and go to the back yard then back out to the front. What a mess. I did love my job. Tromping around in deep snow blows. Once I was training someone and he said man you live in your truck? Me why do you ask. Him You have a lot of clothes in here. Me you will see. About 2 hour in my feet were wet and cold. Next stop I changed boots sox snd gloves. Him your smart. That fella froze all day. I hate snow now. I love our climate. We never get hurricanes rarely tornados only 1 warning I recall since 2006. Rarely rains humidity is like 5-20 percent most of the time. In monsoon season it does rise to 50 or 60 % but I will take it any day. We get aprox. 300 sunny days a year our so called winter last 6 or7 weeks. Our lows in last week dec to mid Feb upper 30s rarely gets below 32 but does on occasion. We do get wind and dust storms. Still better than snow.
rainy fall days too
but rainy days and monday always get me down :rolleyes:

speaking of forecasts……


I was like that until about 45 after that. Worked outside most of my life as an underground utility locator. Gad electric catv and phoneI hate locating phone they used yo get paid by the foot I think because I have had stuff start by the front corner of the house and go to the back yard then back out to the front. What a mess. I did love my job. Tromping around in deep snow blows. Once I was training someone and he said man you live in your truck? Me why do you ask. Him You have a lot of clothes in here. Me you will see. About 2 hour in my feet were wet and cold. Next stop I changed boots sox snd gloves. Him your smart. That fella froze all day. I hate snow now. I love our climate. We never get hurricanes rarely tornados only 1 warning I recall since 2006. Rarely rains humidity is like 5-20 percent most of the time. In monsoon season it does rise to 50 or 60 % but I will take it any day. We get aprox. 300 sunny days a year our so called winter last 6 or7 weeks. Our lows in last week dec to mid Feb upper 30s rarely gets below 32 but does on occasion. We do get wind and dust storms. Still better than snow.

how do you feel about living so close to the border?..
What a day and what a night! Got some of the weirdest weather yesterday that I've seen. I was sitting at the tavern shooting the bull with my friends, and all of a sudden, my hands felt like they'd been wound up in a vice. Never had that kind of pain, and my hands hurt non stop. It was bad enough I thought I was gonna puke. I told the Old Hen that something was up and that I was gonna leave half of my last beer on the table and leave.
The bartender asked if anyone had their windows down 'cause it was raining. I look outside, and it was a cloud burst! Hard rain for 20 minutes straight. The wife called the kid who was uptown for the homecoming parade a mile and a half away and the kid said it wasn't raining a drop. She left the parade and went home (3.2 miles away) and got the clothes off the line and said that it hadn't rained a drop there, either.
Came home to dry ground, got my jammies on, and ate two Tramadols. Cuddled up with the Old Hen like we used to do and within a half hour, the hands lightened up enough for me to enjoy the evening. Fell asleep after 0300 and slept like the dead. Made up for all that sleep I'd missed during the week.
Wonder if the cloud burst or the atmospheric conditions were the source of the hands going nuts?
What a day and what a night! Got some of the weirdest weather yesterday that I've seen. I was sitting at the tavern shooting the bull with my friends, and all of a sudden, my hands felt like they'd been wound up in a vice. Never had that kind of pain, and my hands hurt non stop. It was bad enough I thought I was gonna puke. I told the Old Hen that something was up and that I was gonna leave half of my last beer on the table and leave.
The bartender asked if anyone had their windows down 'cause it was raining. I look outside, and it was a cloud burst! Hard rain for 20 minutes straight. The wife called the kid who was uptown for the homecoming parade a mile and a half away and the kid said it wasn't raining a drop. She left the parade and went home (3.2 miles away) and got the clothes off the line and said that it hadn't rained a drop there, either.
Came home to dry ground, got my jammies on, and ate two Tramadols. Cuddled up with the Old Hen like we used to do and within a half hour, the hands lightened up enough for me to enjoy the evening. Fell asleep after 0300 and slept like the dead. Made up for all that sleep I'd missed during the week.
Wonder if the cloud burst or the atmospheric conditions were the source of the hands going nuts?

maybe that barometric pressure was fecking with you?

I know it is a migraine trigger for me…

I had to take half an oxy this morning cause three days of a boomer headache can blossom into a full week of cluster headaches

the oxy will stop the cycle , thank gawd for opiates when needed eh
speaking of forecasts……

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how do you feel about living so close to the border?..
It does not bother me but I avoid it like the plague. It takes like 3 hours to cross I have heard. I went once when I first got here. Dad used to pick up things to take to an orphanage. I went with once and I put a stop to that. He was way too old to sit in traffic 6 hours a day. He thanked me. He said he wanted to stop for like a year but didn't know how to tell them. I told them the truth. He is on oxygen his concentrator only lasted 4 hours. He should no be ecposed to that many fumes for that long with bad lungs
What a day and what a night! Got some of the weirdest weather yesterday that I've seen. I was sitting at the tavern shooting the bull with my friends, and all of a sudden, my hands felt like they'd been wound up in a vice. Never had that kind of pain, and my hands hurt non stop. It was bad enough I thought I was gonna puke. I told the Old Hen that something was up and that I was gonna leave half of my last beer on the table and leave.
The bartender asked if anyone had their windows down 'cause it was raining. I look outside, and it was a cloud burst! Hard rain for 20 minutes straight. The wife called the kid who was uptown for the homecoming parade a mile and a half away and the kid said it wasn't raining a drop. She left the parade and went home (3.2 miles away) and got the clothes off the line and said that it hadn't rained a drop there, either.
Came home to dry ground, got my jammies on, and ate two Tramadols. Cuddled up with the Old Hen like we used to do and within a half hour, the hands lightened up enough for me to enjoy the evening. Fell asleep after 0300 and slept like the dead. Made up for all that sleep I'd missed during the week.
Wonder if the cloud burst or the atmospheric conditions were the source of the hands going nuts?
any nerve pain?
Weather down here in my basement is perfect! 68 but 75 in the tent. Humidity is 45%..... perfect environment for growing plants. I did turn my lights down to 75% like GMO suggested to try and control the banners late in flower. Hopefully that will help control this issue.
Yep ☝️
"Know your seasons outside as well in your basement" unknown stoned author who lives on Long Island
Perfect time ! good humidity ,oil burner is not dropping humidity. After oct 1 electric is cheaper.
oh happy day and no rainy weather causing bud rot.
All day, every day. Yesterday was the worst that my paws have ever had. I'm thinking Big has the right idea about the atmospheric conditions coming into play.
me too sad .
Some time just the tip of a finger feels like it was smashed .
hands are numb and the right foot is getting numb.
Im still as happy as a mofo!
life is good ! especially with my friends here!
anyone familiar with their funny bone?….the place up by the elbow?

ever hit it before and it sends tingles down the arm?

yeah , that funny bone

well I was mowing one day on my riding mower and the mower has a hole where the discharge or where the grass flies out , if one doesn’t have a grass catcher

my snapper throws grass out the right side..I want a rider that throws the grass out the back

anyway , I am driving along and WHAM!!……..I hit a marble size rock and that sumbitch flies right up that hole and guess where it hits me?

funny bone!

my fecking right arm went numb…when the numbness wore off , the numbness never left my little finger and part of my hand

that happened 4 years ago and it’s still numb….looked it up , and yeah , un repairable nerve damage

sometimes life throws us a curve and we swing and miss

such is life
anyone familiar with their funny bone?….the place up by the elbow?

ever hit it before and it sends tingles down the arm?

yeah , that funny bone

well I was mowing one day on my riding mower and the mower has a hole where the discharge or where the grass flies out , if one doesn’t have a grass catcher

my snapper throws grass out the right side..I want a rider that throws the grass out the back

anyway , I am driving along and WHAM!!……..I hit a marble size rock and that sumbitch flies right up that hole and guess where it hits me?

funny bone!

my fecking right arm went numb…when the numbness wore off , the numbness never left my little finger and part of my hand

that happened 4 years ago and it’s still numb….looked it up , and yeah , un repairable nerve damage

sometimes life throws us a curve and we swing and miss

such is life
I know of a medical dr up all night studying ,fell asleep on his arm and lost the use of his arm.
was going to be surgeon
over a year until i lost track of him

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