Island Of Misfits

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Ha ha. Sticks and stones can break my bones but Colorado is gonna get their ass kicked today.
Now that's was funny. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I hope the Buffalo's kick that ass. 😱
I'm giving Deon a call and telling him what you said. He will make sure they win ya mean old bastard.😁
I don't think Colorado is that good. Both Nebraska and Colorado St out played them.... Oregon is for real. 42- 24 Oregon!

Dude , listen to PrimeTime , believe!

But yet they lost against the Buffalos. That math doesn't work brother. You can't outplay someone and still lose. Outplaying means you beat your opponents,,Sore loser.😁
You do realize they are from Colorado right. Why would you want Oregon to win.
My daughter went to Colorado St....arch rivals....8 point lead with a minute left and lost....what a jip!

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