Island Of Misfits

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Black berries have a little more to go
Down totwo until next week


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Black berries have a little more to go
Down totwo until next week
This is Calissi a cat born on our property who is a outdoor cat who is fixed.
We feed her and she has a home in the winter with a heat trax matt underneath her igloo. She loves my Honey ,sits on her lap.
I gave her cat nip for the first time in her life and she is stoned AF
Public Service Announcement.
This may pertain more to men because the two women close by to me get no joy or satisfaction from it.
It is the harbor freight tennis racket bug zapper.
It works well on yellow jackets flies and seed moths.
I get great satisfaction when they get zapped and i zap them until they are medium done.
I now when outside under the gazebo bait them with food,
" You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar,but you kill em both with a tennis racket zapper"
got 3 flies, 1 moth and stunned the schitt out of a yellow jacket. ☝️
Took my Scottish Uncle to the first baseball game he ever saw.
The Mets new stadium was very impressive and He was in awe.
As the game goes on I start explaining the game.
The first pitch went to the left and ball one was called.
He starts screamin at the pitcher and I calm him down.
The second ball goes low and he starts yellin "throw the ball like a man son!"
The third ball almost hit him and my uncle went ballistic calling him a wanker in his Scottish brogue.
The forth ball goes high and the batter starts to walk to first base.
My Uncle looks at me in dismay and before he could say anything I told him "He has four balls and now he walks !
My Uncle screams at the top of his lungs " Walk with pride Laddie ! Walk with Pride ☝️ "
I remember talking to a Brother and he was talking crap about Kyle Rittenhouse.
I said I dont care, if it were your son trying to burn down my town .
I would shoot him in the head. EOS
Then ( he is a good guy) and said Kyle would not do well in prison ,
I said if you had 4 guys hold you down your ass would be beer can size.
Tough guy bull shit from a guy to a kid who was the real tough guy
The tough guy "talker" changes attitude completely without anyone saying a word when the first bullet hits the tree right by him. Or, as I now suspect from reading all the above posts -- same for prison life.
any sympathy for those wrongfully convicted?
I'm sorta a dogster-weedhopper-bigsur blend:

For that evil 25%: eye-for-eye. Period.

For the 75% that just did something stupid: Work-release <-- They work (parole) doing something that will generally help the community.

For justice for those those wrongfully convicted: If by duplicity, the false lawyers/complainants get to work with their pay being the property of their victim until 10X restitution is made.

Unca Walts's Rules As Emperor
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