Island Of Misfits

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Last time I ate 'schooms was in a sleazy biker bar with a belly full of beer. I bought an ounce of freeze dried and ate a few, then a few more. Before I knew it, the baggie was empty. Good times that night.

You've got a fraction of a second to pull 'em off of ya. Corals are rear fanged, and their fangs are rather blunt as far as fangs go. If you do manage to leave 'em attached long enough for them to finally get their fangs into ya, you've got about a half hour before you quit breathing. They've got a neurotoxic venom that shuts down your ability to breathe.

I can handle the chop. It's the lazy rolls that'll turn me green. When you're on top, you can see forever. When you drop down in the trough, all ya see is towering waves on both sides of ya. Those big lakes ain't fun sometimes.
The coral snakes venom is unlike most other poisonous snakes. They bite and chew. The poison does not travel the venous system it travels nerves.

The coral snakes venom is unlike most other poisonous snakes. They bite and chew. The poison does not travel the venous system it travels nerves.

Man Good thing my uncle ripped that snake off my arm and killed its azz, he lived there and told my family how lucky I was because it was a coral snake. His son got his azz beat for telling me to catch it.
The scarlet king on the left is beautiful. The coral on the right is either getting ready for a shed or just a bland version. I've seen some that colors that were really bright.
When I was in FL the first time, I went to a serpentarium with the hopes of buying a scarlet. They had none to sell, but the guy had a clutch of baby corals. Five bucks a piece! I glanced over at the Old Hen and she gave me the look that any married man knows oh too well. Wound up buying a beautifully colored reticulated python. We named him Rick the Prick. Meanest damned snake you'd ever come across. Had him in an aquarium in a bedroom all by himself, and if you walked by the door, you'd hear a loud tapping sound. Switch on the light and he'd be hitting the glass just trying to get to ya.
I think snakes are fascinating creatures. I mean, think about it. No legs, no arms. They can burrow, climb almost anything, swim, make babies, eat stuff twice their size, strike and return to a striking position in 0.15 seconds, they have no ears but they can hear through their skin, muscles and bones, some snakes can fly (glide), it can tell the direction a scent is coming from using its tongue, some have heat-seeking capabilities and can identify a mammal in absolute darkness.
Did you know that rattlesnake rattles are made of keratin?

What's not to love about snakes? Besides being squished to jelly and eaten or bitten, drawing blood or injecting venom?
I love snakes. I don't kill them, and will work to prevent it happening (SAFETY factors considered, of course). But I have never, and never would have a snake in my house. They are not pets. To a snake, you are either predator or prey.

Neither are conducive to warm couch snuggling, as I do with my GSD. 🥰

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