Island Of Misfits

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Coral snakes: "Red touches yellow, kill the fellow."

False Coral snakes: Red touches black, friend of Jack.
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The scarlet king on the left is beautiful. The coral on the right is either getting ready for a shed or just a bland version. I've seen some that colors that were really bright.
When I was in FL the first time, I went to a serpentarium with the hopes of buying a scarlet. They had none to sell, but the guy had a clutch of baby corals. Five bucks a piece! I glanced over at the Old Hen and she gave me the look that any married man knows oh too well. Wound up buying a beautifully colored reticulated python. We named him Rick the Prick. Meanest damned snake you'd ever come across. Had him in an aquarium in a bedroom all by himself, and if you walked by the door, you'd hear a loud tapping sound. Switch on the light and he'd be hitting the glass just trying to get to ya.
First time I ever did it, it was in the form of practically pure mescaline sulfate. Gal told me she pealed the buttons, ground them up fine, and mixed 'em with some kind of solvent (petroleum either if I remember right) and ran it through a separatory funnel. She put the liquid in a flat dish and stuck it in the 'fridge and let the either evaporate and the crystals form. Best body buzz I ever had.
You can do it with alcohol. It's crystals of mescaline, not terribly stable. Don't know if it is "sulfate" or not, that would be the salt of sulfuric acid. Which would be more stable, and she may have done that.

Typically, drug that you want salts of is dissolved in solution. As acid is slowly added, crystals precipitate out and sink to bottom, later to be filtered as you described, and would mescaline sulfate.

might get one of these before I grow outdoors again

Last time I ate 'schooms was in a sleazy biker bar with a belly full of beer. I bought an ounce of freeze dried and ate a few, then a few more. Before I knew it, the baggie was empty. Good times that night.

You've got a fraction of a second to pull 'em off of ya. Corals are rear fanged, and their fangs are rather blunt as far as fangs go. If you do manage to leave 'em attached long enough for them to finally get their fangs into ya, you've got about a half hour before you quit breathing. They've got a neurotoxic venom that shuts down your ability to breathe.

I can handle the chop. It's the lazy rolls that'll turn me green. When you're on top, you can see forever. When you drop down in the trough, all ya see is towering waves on both sides of ya. Those big lakes ain't fun sometimes.
Me and some buddies chartered a fishing boat when I was stationed in Hawaii. It looked big enough at the dock. I gotta tell ya' though - a 45 foot boat ain't squat when the swells are big enough that you have to get up on top of one to see the next one coming. We caught one (1) ONE Mahi Mahi.
5g the last time was not a picnic. Lol 😬
I was about to say....they can be extremely hallucinagenic! 5 grams ought to do it. We were making tea from wet ones, a big honking shrooms drys down to a much smaller item, do not sure how much when wet. We boiled them in water, strained. Throw in a couple tea bags. Drink and hold on! At very high doses, it seems to come in waves. During one such wave, I can remember looking across a large valley. I knew it was a valley but at the top of the wave, it appeared to be full of water, with the bluffs on the other side pulsing into rickity shacks and back. I knew what it was, just visually distorted.I am not a big one for hallucinagenics. Or anything "speedy" for that matter.


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