Island Of Misfits

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Awright alla youse wrenchers! HEY @boo !! Lookit this:

1966 Mustang GT Convertible in Jet Black Metallic​

Only $255,000

You can also snap up a pristine Mustang Fastback 1968 GT500KR, base price $320,000.

I too caught them , good fight. I remember cod fishing with Dad in ocean . I was sick as a dog from rough waters that day. Hook a good size fish thought I was going to win the Pool for big fish for day. Dam sand shark tangled about 5 other lines because no one cleared there lines when I reeled it in. I saw it break the water and said crap a sandshark , 5ft best I remember. I landed it and handed my pole to dad who dealt with the tangles. I ran to the head and puked blood for the next 4 hrs, Capt told my Dad he was not bringing a full boat back in becuase a kid was sick. I was in bad shape with I got in and had to go to Hospital.
Broke blood vessels in my neck and throat from dry heaving.
When I got off boat I could not walk, my head was so wacked for the sea sickness. Some meds and the next day I felt better/
I have barfed in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Atlantic while codfishing (the boat captain kept reassuring us the boat could handle the rough waves. I wished he would shut up). In the Pacific, I was fishing for those giant flounder things. Din' get one. Did barf, though. Free chum.
I'm one of those fortunate few that don't get motion sick.
There is an instant cure, and also it works as a preventative.

Just get some gari (sliced ginger root). Munch a little. Cures the worst seasickness in no time. <-- TINS

Wuz onna dive boat, and this purty girl was nearly catatonic with motion sickness. I put a slice of gari in her mouth, and five minutes later she was having a wonderful time. Seasickness forgotten.

The Red Witch will never go on any boat without a little jar of it with her. It works 100% of the time on everyone who takes it.
Ho Lee Fuk
Im usually good on a boat ,but stay away from greasy food and bad air ( diesel smell , mostly)
If on deck and breathing clean air im ok
Thankfully AFTER joining the Navy I found out I have serious sea legs.

On my first ship (Destroyer), I remember seeing people dry heaving as we pulled away from the pier lol...

Never any issues for me. Spent 5 ish years playing puddle pirate on the high seas. Endured high winds and heavy seas often...."Haul over all hatch hoods and gun covers". 😁

One time it was 28 foot high. They were crashing over the forcastle... We were sortied and had to haul balls thru the English channel...medical emergencies everywhere. I was qualified in advanced first aid and a stretcher bearer... saw a friend get 3 fingers sheared off by a watertight door...two broken legs and a sucking chest wound. Good times.

After 30 mins of that the Cap'n secured any movement outside of living spaces unless in case of emergency. Was a long 6 hours.


We delivered the bomb.

There is an instant cure, and also it works as a preventative.

Just get some gari (sliced ginger root). Munch a little. Cures the worst seasickness in no time. <-- TINS

Wuz onna dive boat, and this purty girl was nearly catatonic with motion sickness. I put a slice of gari in her mouth, and five minutes later she was having a wonderful time. Seasickness forgotten.

The Red Witch will never go on any boat without a little jar of it with her. It works 100% of the time on everyone who takes it.
Yup that works! Grayfox does get motion sick and did so on our last cruise during rough weather. I was able to get her some gari from the galley and it made a big difference.
Thankfully AFTER joining the Navy I found out I have serious sea legs.

On my first ship (Destroyer), I remember seeing people dry heaving as we pulled away from the pier lol...

Never any issues for me. Spent 5 ish years playing puddle pirate on the high seas. Endured high winds and heavy seas often...."Haul over all hatch hoods and gun covers". 😁

One time it was 28 foot high. They were crashing over the forcastle... We were sortied and had to haul balls thru the English channel...medical emergencies everywhere. I was qualified in advanced first aid and a stretcher bearer... saw a friend get 3 fingers sheared off by a watertight door...two broken legs and a sucking chest wound. Good times.

After 30 mins of that the Cap'n secured any movement outside of living spaces unless in case of emergency. Was a long 6 hours.


We delivered the bomb.

Holy Fock !
Sounds like a Billy Joel song ☝️
Thankfully AFTER joining the Navy I found out I have serious sea legs.

On my first ship (Destroyer), I remember seeing people dry heaving as we pulled away from the pier lol...

Never any issues for me. Spent 5 ish years playing puddle pirate on the high seas. Endured high winds and heavy seas often...."Haul over all hatch hoods and gun covers". 😁

One time it was 28 foot high. They were crashing over the forcastle... We were sortied and had to haul balls thru the English channel...medical emergencies everywhere. I was qualified in advanced first aid and a stretcher bearer... saw a friend get 3 fingers sheared off by a watertight door...two broken legs and a sucking chest wound. Good times.

After 30 mins of that the Cap'n secured any movement outside of living spaces unless in case of emergency. Was a long 6 hours.


We delivered the bomb.

My roughest ride was on a 400ft well tender in the Gulf of Mexico during a summer storm. We were taking waves over the main deck and had to weld everything to the deck that we couldn't chain down.
5g the last time was not a picnic. Lol 😬
Last time I ate 'schooms was in a sleazy biker bar with a belly full of beer. I bought an ounce of freeze dried and ate a few, then a few more. Before I knew it, the baggie was empty. Good times that night.
Never like Fl much, I also picked up a coral snake because my cousin said it was OK to do. Do not know how I did not get band would it, It chopped on my shirt sleeve and would not like go. I stay out of Fl now.
You've got a fraction of a second to pull 'em off of ya. Corals are rear fanged, and their fangs are rather blunt as far as fangs go. If you do manage to leave 'em attached long enough for them to finally get their fangs into ya, you've got about a half hour before you quit breathing. They've got a neurotoxic venom that shuts down your ability to breathe.
I'm one of those fortunate few that don't get motion sick.
I can handle the chop. It's the lazy rolls that'll turn me green. When you're on top, you can see forever. When you drop down in the trough, all ya see is towering waves on both sides of ya. Those big lakes ain't fun sometimes.
Last time I ate 'schooms was in a sleazy biker bar with a belly full of beer. I bought an ounce of freeze dried and ate a few, then a few more. Before I knew it, the baggie was empty. Good times that night.

You've got a fraction of a second to pull 'em off of ya. Corals are rear fanged, and their fangs are rather blunt as far as fangs go. If you do manage to leave 'em attached long enough for them to finally get their fangs into ya, you've got about a half hour before you quit breathing. They've got a neurotoxic venom that shuts down your ability to breathe.

I can handle the chop. It's the lazy rolls that'll turn me green. When you're on top, you can see forever. When you drop down in the trough, all ya see is towering waves on both sides of ya. Those big lakes ain't fun sometimes.
Now I am impressed I need to make a new Thread Ask a Hippie
I am in the market for a new boat
Do we have any Ask a Boat Dealer Threads
I would like to get a good deal and always appreciate some good advice to save a buck

check out YachtWorld , it has a lot of filters , like geography , min and max lengths , price , power or sail….

also , keep an eyeball on the CraigsList in your neighborhood

lots of great deals right now , going into winter people don’t want to pay slip fees , haul-out fees , or insurance

what are ya looking for Amigo , sail or powerboat?
Coral snakes: "Red touches yellow, kill the fellow."

False Coral snakes: Red touches black, friend of Jack.

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