Thankfully AFTER joining the Navy I found out I have serious sea legs.
On my first ship (Destroyer), I remember seeing people dry heaving as we pulled away from the pier lol...
Never any issues for me. Spent 5 ish years playing puddle pirate on the high seas. Endured high winds and heavy seas often...."Haul over all hatch hoods and gun covers".
One time it was 28 foot high. They were crashing over the forcastle... We were sortied and had to haul balls thru the English channel...medical emergencies everywhere. I was qualified in advanced first aid and a stretcher bearer... saw a friend get 3 fingers sheared off by a watertight door...two broken legs and a sucking chest wound. Good times.
After 30 mins of that the Cap'n secured any movement outside of living spaces unless in case of emergency. Was a long 6 hours.
We delivered the bomb.