Well-Known Member
hey all so as you know im newer than new when it comes to growing.. so my friend had given me this plant when it was just poping trew the dirt. she gave me 4 all togetther.. there were in the 4 square cube thingy like 1in. tall.. so i moved this one to this pot it is in and it is in just MG seed starter, and when i replanted it to this pot i planted it up to the first true leafs i beleave its called i covered the round ones tht the seed was still on.. not sure if i did it right but learn as i grow.. so now this is where i am currently here are pics my question is should i put this in a bigger pot and use the soil i plan on useing which is HAPPY FROG. ANY INSIGHT CRITZ IS COOL..#420 OH AND JUST TO SEE IF I AM LEARNING I BELEAVE THIS PLANT IS ON ITS 4-5 NODE,WOULD THT BE RIGHT? THX CAPTAIN