How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

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IDK how some of you have quit smoking, I've been a smoker since age 11 and my mom, grandfather, dad, 2 of 4 of my aunts on my mom's side and IDK how many on my dad's side all die of lung cancer and yet I still can't quit. I don't even thinks it's possible for me and I quit fentanyl and all other hard drugs and alcohol but cigarettes is something else
I quit cold turkey. Best decision I ever made. That's crazy brother.
It is not us, it is what "they" put in the material that makes up our favorite vices, "they make it addictive very additive
It is the same with food and junk food, also sodas. The stuff is designed to be addictive, so we crave more, and that means more sales for the Companies that produce said products. We are all cattle being led to slaughter.
THEY do not care about you and I.
IDK how some of you have quit smoking, I've been a smoker since age 11 and my mom, grandfather, dad, 2 of 4 of my aunts on my mom's side and IDK how many on my dad's side all die of lung cancer and yet I still can't quit. I don't even thinks it's possible for me and I quit fentanyl and all other hard drugs and alcohol but cigarettes is something else
There are safer ways to get nicotine - which is not as dangerous as they say. If you must smoke, then consider growing your own tobacco instead of inhaling the garbage they put in cigarettes.
There are safer ways to get nicotine - which is not as dangerous as they say. If you must smoke, then consider growing your own tobacco instead of inhaling the garbage they put in cigarettes.
I even use the zyns at work but idk it's a terrible addition but IDK what I would do without smoking im already so restless and all over the place. I know I should use other alternatives but I just can't get behind them enough to quit. I tried vaping and would just want a cigarette after I just used more nicotine same with the zyns
It is not us, it is what "they" put in the material that makes up our favorite vices, "they make it addictive very additive
It is the same with food and junk food, also sodas. The stuff is designed to be addictive, so we crave more, and that means more sales for the Companies that produce said products. We are all cattle being led to slaughter.
THEY do not care about you and I.
Exactly. Those cigarettes are packed full of chemicals. It's not just tobacco. When they got their asses sued. The fkers couldn't even tell you what some of the chemicals were.😡
That's why the assholes can't advertise anymore.
IDK how some of you have quit smoking, I've been a smoker since age 11 and my mom, grandfather, dad, 2 of 4 of my aunts on my mom's side and IDK how many on my dad's side all die of lung cancer and yet I still can't quit. I don't even thinks it's possible for me and I quit fentanyl and all other hard drugs and alcohol but cigarettes is something else
It is not easy but when you want to stop you will. I thought my daughter would never quit. The lockdown from CoVid made her want to quit. She went cold turkey. The first 3 days are the hardest. When you make it to 3 weeks you are golden. It is hard but worth it. I had acute chronic Bronchitis from smoking. Would get it bad every few months and it would last for weeks. I still feel it if I smoke a weed. I mostly consume edibles unless I need immediate relief.
IDK how some of you have quit smoking, I've been a smoker since age 11 and my mom, grandfather, dad, 2 of 4 of my aunts on my mom's side and IDK how many on my dad's side all die of lung cancer and yet I still can't quit. I don't even thinks it's possible for me and I quit fentanyl and all other hard drugs and alcohol but cigarettes is something else
A very close friend/brother came back from the East Asian War Games a full blown heroin addict. He kicked it, but said quitting cigarettes was much harder.
It is not us, it is what "they" put in the material that makes up our favorite vices, "they make it addictive very additive
It is the same with food and junk food, also sodas. The stuff is designed to be addictive, so we crave more, and that means more sales for the Companies that produce said products. We are all cattle being led to slaughter.
THEY do not care about you and I.
The companies that made cigarettes sold their interests to different people and got into the junk food business. Seriously.
It is not easy but when you want to stop you will. I thought my daughter would never quit. The lockdown from CoVid made her want to quit. She went cold turkey. The first 3 days are the hardest. When you make it to 3 weeks you are golden. It is hard but worth it. I had acute chronic Bronchitis from smoking. Would get it bad every few months and it would last for weeks. I still feel it if I smoke a weed. I mostly consume edibles unless I need immediate relief.
I haven't touched a cigarette in seven years. I still smoke in my dreams, and I crave them daily. Only got 1.25 lungs left, so that's my incentive to leave 'em alone.
For years after I quit I would get this occasional bottom-of-the-lungs kind of cough in the mornings on the way to work. I would literally cough up ashtray tasting mucus all the way to work. Coughed so hard I would get a headache, and sometimes a bloody nose. Even tore tore a groin muscle once.
No tobacco for this guy. Fk that shit. Open heart surgery will wake your ass up very quickly to the fact that tobacco is bad for you.
I'll stick to the taste of my flowers which is why I love weed. I like the different taste you can get from different strains.
Smoking weed with heart issues is a gamble I'm willing to I've had bypass surgery, 3 heart attacks, 5 stents, and long history of atrial fib. Yet I love a strong

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