Home of the Old Fart's Club

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It is hot today! It's 11 and at 95*. Still have 9 more to transplant. I'll do it tonight when it cools off a little.
102 F here Umbra... Too hot for the bees to work. They took today off. amazing.
Cold front here -- bout 92 !-- Bozzo ain't the only one that likes a little couch lock !--
I checked back at 02:50, and nobody was around.

By the way, I am NOT a pot head! I am a medical marihuana patient, and I've got the card to prove it!:)

I be in and out all day long, until 3:30--4:30am, then I get my 2 1/2-- 3 1/2 hours of shuteye.
You are who / what you are and you be an old fart who is a medical marijuana card carrying pot head. A good bro of mine too.

I am and always have been a pot head. I call the mmj card an insurance card. Or a get out of jail card. I have always thought I fought in a war for the freedom to smoke a big one if I wanted to.

Insurance card, get out of jail free card, don`t care what ya call it, I agree and have one and plan on keeping it till I`m gone.

yooper, are you still using cogo's? This years part A is different from last year. it's not amber, it's burgundy ,and has a smell. But the girls loved it. yesterday, after last years was used up, I opened the new stuff. They are double cogo green this morning and have grown big time over night. I love this stuff.

Yup, still use the Cogo`s. Use it every other watering. Use GH nutes the opposite time. Think it worked good that way.

Morning Bozzo - strolling through your pot fields having coffee ?-- Can U be both a MMJ patient and a pothead ?-- Cause if it ever be legal here -- if the PO-PO stop me I am definitely a card carrying patient !-- but most times I'm a pothead !- -

You wanna be like hippie, a medical marijuana card carrying pot head.
I think I got a good start on an afternoon burn !- Yoop - U be right about me needing to be a card carrying patient when prohibition ends !- I just want the threat of jail removed !- Did U know every morning the first thing I do is break the law by lighting up ?- That ain't right ! I mean look at me - do I look like a criminal ?- Don't answer that !
Good evening here, everyone. This is my third grow. The best one yet. Hay, I got nine little girl (I hope), Going into the 9th week and three are flowering, and the rest are veg. I have two Ice and one is Fl and one is Veg. I can remember if the females Flower 1st or the Males show there flower? Still, waiting on my weed, hate going through a three party exchange. What, can you do but wait. I hope I get a good crop:headbang:
When, I say nine weeks I mean from the root coming out of there seed and planting to now. Still very new at this stuff.
Evening all, sure was a bunch of sore butts today at work. I prevailed and went in and did my job well, but boy howdy nobody is happy I got the promotion. I'm not prejudice at all but maybe it will help if I explain that I'm the only white employee there. I almost think they are being ugly just because I'm white, no worries I will win them all over, just give me time, my work will speak for itself and they will see that my promotion is a good thing. :)

Now, gonna get high :48:
NES - What's up ?- They left me alone so I got lit !- I hate a third party deal myself !ost more than once !- U watch them plants like a hawk right up to harvest !-- The males will show themselves soon enough -- it's a sneaky late showing Hermie that can get U !-- Hey Bozzo - U said U wanted to stick with something 80% indica or more ?-- Hey !- I asked Umbra for a list of the most potent indica or indica heavy hybrid he knew of !- The first 2 were the Tranquil Elephantizer and Williams Wonder !-- He wasn't wrong about the T.E. and I order Williams Wonder Friday !-- Growing indoors these fast finishing potent indicas are the bomb !-
Damn im tired. Been working in a 14 floor stairway for over a week. No AC of course and hot as hell here in Dallas. My old *** is wore out. And then i have to see news of another fking idiot cop in Mckinney atexas pulling a gun on teens in swimming gear. What a fkinf Asshat Punk Bitch.
Good Luck at the job Kraven - U ain't there to make friends anyway !- Hopper - People can't drive U crazy if U don't give'm the keys !-- Got to watch that blood pressure Cuz !- Just let it run off like a duck in water !- Just what exactly can Hopper do about the situation anyway ?- If I can't do anything about it -- it ain't my concern ! When I can do something about - it's my responsibility !
Thanks, Keef, I am watching closely. Ha, Kraven, good luck on your job, glad you have one, there are so many people that don't. I'm retired myself. Got, that SNS 217, and it worked wonders. Can, fine any, but I know how through little *****are. Forgot the # of the follow up you told me about. Is it 207?
My first grow was outside, it was doing great than I had to be away for two day. And, when I got back it was dry as a bone, I mean dry enough to smoke, wasn't that bad, well it was pretty good stuff. It was in Aug when that happen.
:48:wish I could join you. My 2nd grow was inside, and again I had to go away, up North, I am in the South. Left a babysitter, and he:bump: spay it with garlic spray thinking it was water, I was gone for a month. I all most cried when, I got back. **** happens.:bump:
NES I don't get to retire !-- I worked as an O.R. Tech. / Surgical Assistant for 20 years !- One day I came around a corner too fast and slipped on a wet floor !- Shattered the left side of my face - bulged some disc in my neck !- They walked me thru the E.R. and loaded me into a van with no springs for a ride to the workers comp. linic on one of N.O. s roughest roads !- Had to run away from the hospital to get help !- That alone will put a mind flock on U !- Then the disability judge says I'm not disabled - I can get a job folding clothes !-
Smoking a bowl and listening to a strong thunderstorm. Nice heavy thunder. Rain on the window panes.
Life is good
That sounded like a poor me story !- Everything changes !-- Things were bad for awhile - lost most of a decade !- Where's that poor guy now ?- Living at the beach growing the most potent weed he can lay hands on !-- I was ready to kick it wide open if Texas passed a MMJ law !- They gonna give me 2 more years to cross the most potent weed I can find -- they in trouble ! Keef's Back !- Deal With It !
Keef, then you see people on disability cuz they too fat. It ain't right.
I love my show,,, Street Outlaws. Yehaaaaaaaa
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