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Bigfoot scares me....for serious. I am deathly afraid of Bigfoot, that's why I wont move out to the pacific northwest.
Not me Kraven !--Get me some night vision and we'll put one on a slab !--He gets past the assault rifle with all them magazines and close enough for that that pump gun and after many shots it's empty ? --He still coming ?--He got to still get past the pistol !--He still coming and I have to switch to sharp he gonna look like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple pieces missing !-- Then if I have to I'm gonna bite at him !--Imight ose but he gonna know he been in a fight !
Had a run in with the Skunk ape didn't U Marine !
Bigfoot scares me....for serious. I am deathly afraid of Bigfoot, that's why I wont move out to the pacific northwest.

Really Bro....If he is real, he will live there....Seen & heard some strange things out there...I just don't think I will worry about Bigfoot...:rofl: "Big Cats" YES, now I scared of those.. Did see a guy walking out of there one time..didn't have much on, not carrying much "scary looking" steam rising off him..No rigs around, so he was on a walkabout... :confused2: We never made contact...Boo...
Don't care who or what U are !---I am not your prey !--Night vision was new when I first encountered it !---Night fighters were taught to wear welding goggles all day then take them off when the night got dark and do a little hunting !----At night the ears are almost as good as eyes !--U sit quietly for awhile in the night and hear the normal sounds of the night U can almost see !--Armadillo rooting around over there etc. !--A predator approaches those noises stop !--All the animals is looking for it perhaps U should pay attention !
Hey Cane wanna have some fun up in them woods ?--Stop at wally mart or something and get U a "Wounded Rabbit " call !--I guess the got recordings these days !--Anyway --Ya'll get nice and toasted !--Then climb up on top the truck a d sit quietly for a few minutes then start playing Yankee doodle on that wounded rabbit call softly then get louder and more frantic on the call !---Every animal in the forest be coming to see what's happening !---U can sit up there and turn a flashlight on pointed at the trees so U can see eyes shining on the ground !---There will be all sorts of creatures come around --Some will sit out in the dark and scream or howl at U !-- I always carry a gun into the back of the truck every since that Thang got under the truck that time !--Leave a window down and the keys inside the truck in case --Well!--Just in case !
Really Bro....If he is real, he will live there....Seen & heard some strange things out there...I just don't think I will worry about Bigfoot...:rofl: "Big Cats" YES, now I scared of those.. Did see a guy walking out of there one time..didn't have much on, not carrying much "scary looking" steam rising off him..No rigs around, so he was on a walkabout... :confused2: We never made contact...Boo...

If there are Big Foots,,,where are the bones from the dead. Even deer leave bones. Lol
Just poured a glass of bourbon. Got my Sherlock pipe, and a good movie. Yup
Had two bubblicious sprout. Dropped a few more seeds. I'd like a girl from each, and then I can get used to cloning. Fixin to take this grow to another level.
When we die we don't leave our bones laying around ! -- Hey Hopper I want to turn U on to the best show ever !--It's called " Mountian Monsters" !
Hey Cane --I'm sure U are more musical that me but these stupid coyotes are suckers for "The Devil Went Down to Georgia " played on a wounded rabbit call ! --U got to really break it down on the solo but they'll come in close !
Fire it up Dog !--Just teaching our northern cousins to spot light !--U got stuff out in the dark screaming and growling g at U trying to get to that wounded rabbit U got it can be an adrenaline rush but the night ain't over !--Who gonna get off the top the truck first ?-- U might want to take a few more hits when U decide !

Note : Do Not Do This at your Camp site !-- A herd of them meese might come stomp U down in your sleep !
Hopper I'll tell U my theory why we don 't find big foot bones !--Big foot is a pet to them aliens in UFOs and they gotta him out to go potty sometimes so he gets spotted sometimes then poof he's gone !--Another thing !--Don't be shooting at no UFO cause they just throw the bullets back and there is no way to look cool when U dodging your own bullets !--Just saying !
Suupa bowl starting soon. Am I the only one that isn't going to be watching it?
i'm not.
Yep....Got the camper loaded, went out got a nice leg of lamb.Stopped by the dispensary picked up a 1/4 Blueberry Kush..Nice ...My buddy will bring some Black Cod...Yum...And some fine wine...Just love this river valley we go to, campground is 13 miles in the rainforest on a dirt {mud} road...Really lush rainforest with elk all over...Just Beautiful...
i love to camp but haven't gone in years.
Bigfoot scares me....for serious. I am deathly afraid of Bigfoot, that's why I wont move out to the pacific northwest.
you got the skunk ape down there and he is family to bf. bf doesn't just live in pnw. haven't you watched the rednecks on mountain monsters? well that is if you can stand wild bill.lol
Hopper I'll tell U my theory why we don 't find big foot bones !--Big foot is a pet to them aliens in UFOs and they gotta him out to go potty sometimes so he gets spotted sometimes then poof he's gone !--Another thing !--Don't be shooting at no UFO cause they just throw the bullets back and there is no way to look cool when U dodging your own bullets !--Just saying !

keef everybody knows you use a shotgun.:giggle:
But Giggy that is the best comedy show ever !-- I just know they gonna catch one next time !
Ain't nothing wrong with a scatter gun Giggy !-- I don't see good as I used to !--I guess it might be time to trade the pistol in for one of those double barreled 12 ga. ---12 inch barrels and hammers on a pistol grip like I used to have !--Drop them hammers and kill everything close --Over that way !
Too much hype is given to automatic fire !--U fire on auto U spend all your time reloading !--U do that I'll keep U ducking while Kraven moves in from the side and U never see it coming !
Yeah, everybody talks about full auto. And lets not forget the "machine guns" we hear about on the "news" channels. Most of the folks talking about that stuff wouldn't know a breach from their anus. Lol
The hunt for the Red October. Why can't they make movies like this anymore???
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