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Kraven I've grown basil , rosemary and even started garlic right along side weed !--What U doing is working --No need to be changing !---I'm experimenting my *** off down here !-- If I had my druthers I would add a little has to supplement my lights but we get by !--We all got to grow in the situation we in with what we got to work with !-- I'm hoping D.D. will adopt the farm as her own one daughter and let me work with some extracts !-- It's good to have a grow sidekick !--
Umbra --I was wrong about what I thought U were doing with Olivetol --I apologize! --U a dog U know !--I'm beating my head against the wall looking for an extract clean enough to make my Liquid Weed with and U knew how to make it !--
What about this HBC Wax ?
Cool !--I just ran across a couple paragraphs about it but no details about the process!-- I got no problem starting with CO2 extract !-- It's clean enough but no terepines !--I can flavor it if I want !--Just take the concentrate and mix it with the base to reconstitute Liquid weed to the desired strength !-- Something close to our good weed toke for toke ! It want have the terepenes and natural flavors but the strength ? Not a problem !-- Smoking can be a social event --U hit a couple dabs U don't know if U being social or not !--U might spent the next 2 hours looking at a spot on the wall !--- There's a time and place for that !--I want to make something I can hit when I want without turning into a zombie !
good morning umbra. Cane yes, you can mist your plants until the have roots..don't over do it..
keef, i imagine after a few batches you could get to work on some rso.. It would take a lot. I use an ounce of bud and just cover it with booze and turn on the machine. I get one big or two small syringes out of that.
Kraven, when you said you woke up grumpy I thought you were talking about your wife! LOL
Plants look amazing as usual. nice work.
Just looking for something to do with them Rose ! I guess everyone off watching Foosball game ! How U doing today still feeling O.K. ?
Super Bowl dont start till 5:30 Central Time. I will be watching and rooting for Peyton to go out with a win. And im not a Broncos fan. I really like the Panthers,,,but i have to go with the old guy playing QB probably for the last time in his career.
Mostly i just wanna see a good game,,,not a blow out.
LOL...Flacco was my neighbor before I moved. My oldest son was at his wedding.
Hopper's high ? --I am in shock !--Surely Hopper don't really smoke that dope stuff !

I got one of Umbra's Blueberry Blast and one of my widows moved to Happy Frog with the T.E.!-- Nice little mothers !--Be giving me clones long as I want !--Got one with blueberry one that smells of fuel oil (widow) and the earthy T.E. !-- Add the others as they get sexed !--One day maybe I have a mother room !--
Stoned again! Gotta do the "w" thing tonight. Guess I better straighten up. Ha! Watching the Puppy Bowl with the pack. One of them tries to go around the TV to find the puppies! Too funny!
Hi guys ..... Had a great lunch at the olive garden, on the old stoner nun lesbians..they really like my stuff. I really like them... so fun and interesting and they love my pot.. the are in their seventies.. and they are married.. wow. Things have changed in 40 years.. They have been together for 33 years.. trippy. Only one does pot, but after our lunch I think the other one is ready to try. ha, i am a pusher.
Suupa bowl starting soon. Am I the only one that isn't going to be watching it?
Yep....Got the camper loaded, went out got a nice leg of lamb.Stopped by the dispensary picked up a 1/4 Blueberry Kush..Nice ...My buddy will bring some Black Cod...Yum...And some fine wine...Just love this river valley we go to, campground is 13 miles in the rainforest on a dirt {mud} road...Really lush rainforest with elk all over...Just Beautiful...
What up Dog !--Ain't got time for the Supa bowl !--Puppy Bowl is on and 3 of my dog look like they think it's going on in the back yard !!--They watch awhile then take off for the back yard ! Dog ai 't got no right running around in they back yard like that !
Good Times Cane ! If U out in them woods and that Big Foot gets after U -- I'm gonna tell U an old family trick !!--If that Bigfoot get after U get behind the nearest tree !--When he comes running up reach in your pants and get a fistful of do-do and throw it in his face !--Works everytime !--Don't worry about whether the do-do will be there ! --Big foot after U ? -- I promise U it'll be there !
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