Thanks you guys.
Them owls will make U mess your pants if U not sure what it is !-- Hey Giggy !--I was doing some reading today !--The Chinese were using weed root topically 5,000 years ago for gout, arthritis and for skin disorders !--A weed root extract I can do !--My roots are clean !--I'll start saving and drying them !--They can be powdered and mixed with salves or alcohol for external use !--Supposed to have a terepenes that is an anti Inflamatory and analgesic! ---Levels of terepenes in roots can vary as much as the plants they grow !--Not much known about root extracts !
giggy,what is weird is we are smack dab in the middle of town in a little yard with a big tree. I love birds. I would love to see them in South america, can't imagine seeing those colors on birds in real life...them flying.. love nature.
:rofl:I think I found hippie420 http://youtu.be/VdmXLhN5i28
Hopper I'll tell U my theory why we don 't find big foot bones !--Big foot is a pet to them aliens in UFOs and they gotta him out to go potty sometimes so he gets spotted sometimes then poof he's gone !--Another thing !--Don't be shooting at no UFO cause they just throw the bullets back and there is no way to look cool when U dodging your own bullets !--Just saying !
i'm gonna call it a night. until tomorrow, yall be cool. peace manana
I think I found hippie420 http://youtu.be/VdmXLhN5i28
Cane, have a great time. We aren't afraid of big foot, he doesn't ever hurt anyone.. He is a big love. Enjoy the most beautiful place ever.