Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Gonna have to make me and Hippie some with a nice balance of nicotine and THC !--Got a feeling there may be a couple others that smoke weed and cigarettes !--Smoking is bad O.K. !-- With this kind of Liquid Weed / nicotine juice --Why U need cigarettes ? -- Take several big hits and forget what U wanted !

Headline : Liquid Weed solves the world from the evils of cigarettes!
Hey-Hey - Hey ---Wait !!--Can U explain to me why no one ever tell Keef about --HBC Wax ? --No lost terepines --in enhances the flavor of the original weed because the terepenes are concentrated !--Boo -Ya --That's what I need to make my Liquid Weed ! - How I make it ?
Osteoarthritis is no joke Giggy. Sorry. I have fibromyalgia & sometimes I feel like I'm burnt all over-- weird. I Also get pretty bad migraines. Pain can make you crazy that's for sure. Don't know what I'd do without weed. Looks like i won't be working tonight. Looking for a movie to lull me to sleep.
Osteoarthritis is no joke Giggy. Sorry. I have fibromyalgia & sometimes I feel like I'm burnt all over-- weird. I Also get pretty bad migraines. Pain can make you crazy that's for sure. Don't know what I'd do without weed. Looks like i won't be working tonight. Looking for a movie to lull me to sleep.

you know that is the wild thing about this is it feels like i'm on fire. joints hurt that i didn't even know i had. some days it doesn't bother me at all then others like yesterday. when it flares my anger (i know i shouldn't keep it bottled up but i have noway to let it go so i keep it buried) comes to the surface and i'm, not very pleasant to be around. i know people that have fibro and it ain't no laughing matter either. all we can do is look for the better days.
Morning O.F.C. !--I'm working on it Giggy !-- If I can keep D.D. on 2 doses of caps everyday it reduces the number of flare ups and they are milder !--2 doses help me function too !--I been reading and the reason U need the pine is it will reduce inflammation! --Maybe that's what your body needs ?
Sorry I put ya'll thru my rambling yesterday. --It's just the way this old broke mind works !--It can latch onto an idea or concept and focus on it !--It just keep beating my head against it until I am intimate with it ! --I think "on paper" here sometimes !-- I'll try to be better !--I own this Liquid Weed concept from plant to puff !--- Tetras ? -- I'm gonna go see for myself !--Maybe I find something maybe not !--

I got 2 baby Hippie's Dawg --2 of Rose's Purple Haze and 2 of my Trips -x-T.E up today !--This Trips -x-T.E is the first time I grew plants I bred - With parents like this --It has to be good !- GG#4 are going to pass D.D.'s Papaya and stuff --They look good !--Nothing yet from the CWO !
More coffee more weed ?
Good morning ofc.. how can i be married to someone that turns 65 today? we met when he was 21 years old.. He got a new mallet ya know a rubber hammer? His last one broke.. do i know how to buy presents or what.

I slept thru the night for the first time in a month.. feeling like a new woman, which is good as the old one sucked...
Keef, you just work it out on paper, we got you. no problem at a;;/
Morning all. Gotta get ready to head to Hot Springs Arkansas tomorrow. Time to work.
Thanks Rose !--Pass that over here Cane !-- I learned 2 important things yesterday! --What Hopper was calling Liquid Weed is not the same thing I been working on !--I also learned that those terepines can be preserved in an e-cig juice !-- Hyperbaric chamber (HBC) wax will preserve and concentrate the essence of the weed !--What that means to me is that I should be able to recreate that weed in liquid form with the flavors and nuances of the buzz without the harsh tars and any unpleasant stuff !--Rose's Purple Haze in Liquid form --2 ingredients !--Weed extract and vegetable glycerin! -- I still think 20% THC is a little strong !--
Good morning ofc.. how can i be married to someone that turns 65 today? we met when he was 21 years old.. He got a new mallet ya know a rubber hammer? His last one broke.. do i know how to buy presents or what.

I slept thru the night for the first time in a month.. feeling like a new woman, which is good as the old one sucked...
Keef, you just work it out on paper, we got you. no problem at a;;/

Happy Birthday Mr.R.B.... Rose my wife only will buy consumables as presents..All she wanted for xmass was donations too the humane society..And they did well.... Glad that you are feeling like a new woman...Low stress & exercise..Should be the recipe.:)
Yeah Tell the Old Fart Happy Birthday from the O.F.C. --He may not post but he's one of us anyway !

I saw it Hopper !--I thought I would just mention it so anyone interested could take a look !-- HBC Wax looks like what I been looking for !--Make U some liquid GDP ?
Got a way of making clear hash oil, but you wouldn't want to do it in a neighborhood where the houses are close, you need to build a blast box, and one of the chemicals is on the top of the DEA's watch list.

Morning, gang.
That was an awesome link WH, i didn't read the whole thing, i wonder how they make it clear?

Good morning hippie, cane, umbra, giggy, nes, keef, WH and all ya all
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