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Hopper--GDP ? That's like chewing gum !--Did U bring enough for everyone ?

One day maybe we can do the wake and bake all smoking the same thing and tk about it's characteristics and stuff !-- Wake and Bake strain analysis !-- I'd like that !-Cane's Papaya one day maybe my T.E. another day --Maybe find out how bad that Hippie Slayer be !-- Get a Taste of Rose's Purple Haze another day !--In could get used to that !-- We would be dangerous in a free world !
4 pages....wow. So it's official, if I pass the background....getting printed Monday. The 19th of Feb. will be my first day as a Revenue Specialist II. Now just try to knock out the last 20-25 and then I'm done. I'm so glad to not be nursing anymore.....I will never give up my license, nor the many memories....now just gonna go to work like a regular joe......

(just to let you know, I beat out 17 other younger sexier applicants)
I meant it is cheaper to run in the long run... I want you to do what ever works for you.

rose you are right about long term, i miss understood i thought we were talking cost to get for some reason. by all means the t5ho's are bad a$$. i do not want to cause you any stress, so i will try my best to be a good boy.:):rolleyes:
Go Kraven !-- U viewed yourself as a nurse and the transition to being something else could be a little rocky !--You'll do great !--Only one problem U still a pot farmer !-- Don't tell nobody !
Bastids !--Change the dam law !
Im high as hell on a cocktail of GDP and PE watching a cartoon called Uncle Grandpa. Werdiest freaking cartoon i ever seen. A Tiger that shoots rainbows out it ***, a piece of Pizza,,a purple dinosaur, ,AND of course Uncle Grandpa,,,whom i believe is gay. :rofl: funny as hell,,,love it.
I think Uncle Grandpa is a relative from ARKANSAS. LOL

watched it many times as well as most of the others.
4 pages....wow. So it's official, if I pass the background....getting printed Monday. The 19th of Feb. will be my first day as a Revenue Specialist II. Now just try to knock out the last 20-25 and then I'm done. I'm so glad to not be nursing anymore.....I will never give up my license, nor the many memories....now just gonna go to work like a regular joe......

(just to let you know, I beat out 17 other younger sexier applicants)

i hope everything go good bro.
Had another Hippie's Dawg pop up this afternoon -- 2 of 6 in under 72 hours --I guess it's safe to say they fertile !--I'm making some labels and filling some bottles with seed !-- Green Santa gonna ride !
Hey let me tell U a story about this one place I worked !!--This anesthesia doctor used to send me with a list to the hospital pharmacy to restock her drug supply --Sometimes the list I got to the pharmacy with wasn't the one I left with !--They just filled the order !---I was a bad man ! -- Anesthesia got good drugs!
Whew. I been catching up for a minute.
Rose, the cfls are for cloning. And I'll use them to germ seeds when need be. I still have the 8 bulb t5. Using it to veg a plant now, hopefully more soon.
Kraven, I know the anticipation is killing you. I hope you are happy with your change. Congrats!
Rose, your in my thoughts. I'm at the point where all my loved ones are getting old. It's sad.
It will be my turn soon enough.
Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The more you pull off, the faster the roll disappears.
About to call a friend. And smoke a jay!
rose you are right about long term, i miss understood i thought we were talking cost to get for some reason. by all means the t5ho's are bad a$$. i do not want to cause you any stress, so i will try my best to be a good boy.:):rolleyes:

Oh giggy, that is silly, you wont cause me stress by not agreeing with me... Please go back to being your lovely self.

YD, thank you so much. I am going to un age any minute.

Kraven congrats to you. of course you beat others out, you are kraven! happy for you.
just got done toke'n another doobie with the ol lady. dog you calling a doobie a jay reminds me of a late buddy of mine. he called it a bird for awhile then he started calling them a jay. i just call em joints or doobie.
My dad still calls it dope. He said the other day "I got some dope in the truck". I'll just say I wasn't thinking about pot when I heard that. He calls a joint a doobie too. It was the 70's. Lol. Hell, we even had the Doobie Brothers!!
Evening Giggy !--joint , splif, number , Jay , Pocket Rocket , Happy Smoke , call it what U want , I smoke it !--
Got those seed bottled !--I was high so there should be plenty !-- I still got about a 3 finger bag of seed to mess with !-- $50 a gram for that chemical !--Plenty for what I plan to do !
What is or was for supper ? We about to have Shrimp gravy ( like shrimp and grits) over pasta ! Got what looks like a hog leg thawing for the smoker ! Life is good ! --This weed ain't hurting nothing either !
Yo Hippie I feel like I got beech slapped by the Jolly Green Giant !-- I gotta quit getting so high all the time !--Or Not !

my friend and I would "hit each other over the head with, The Green Hammer"

spliff, joint, doober, doobie, (roll) a bone

watch as I perform a magic trick: hocus pocus, weedus smokus :vap-leafy_wave:

Joe ! - Where ya been Cuz ?
My father still calls it do or left handed cigarettes! -- Firm believer in the evils of weed as taught by the late Harry J. Anslinger and his Reefer Madness propaganda !--Every chance I get I remind him of all those long hours in the garden and thank him for teaching me to grow weed !-- At our last visit I reminded him of all those times he tole me --money don't grow on trees !--I said ---Yes it does !-- He can't stand being wrong !
Hey Rose !--I told them quit being high all the time but they don't listen to me !--

Reefer Madness --The musical !-- With Neve Cambell --Now that's art !--and a good Stoner movie !--U got to get high before it starts !--
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