Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Dumping Rain here & the wind feels like it is going to push the windows in!!!
Running around all day got the ford outa the shop to the tune of $1100.00...my phone gave out bought my first smart phone....now gotta figure it out, for the price the thing better perform magic..... Lets Smoke Eha..?? :48:
My neighbor just left and i am a little stoned myself..ok, a lot stoned, ok, need to go to bed now...too much la confid. ok, maybe a bit of cbd oil too ... ok thats all.

Enjoy you guys... peace out and stuff. Just happy to know alls ya'll.
Good Night Rose ....Sure is nice to have a neighbor to get ripped with...
Flipped the girls tonight...
Night Rose.

Got slapped by the Giant myself, Keef. Had a couple of ounces of weed left from my one and only attempt at butane extraction. Just couldn't bring myself to toss it, so I packed it in some 000 caps without doing the oven trick. Ate two. Makes for a nice, mellow buzz.
My joint went out. And I can't reach the ligher. Might just give up and go to sleep
Hey Cane -- Wish we had friends to get high with --Wait !--We got U guys !--That smart phone gives U some trouble--bust a cap on it !--I will kill a smart phone in a minute if it starts mocking me !--
Good night Rose !--Good night John Boy !
Just finished a late supper !--Nursing a pipe !
Who's down with the Barefoot Mardi Gras Parade at the beach tommorrow ?
Hippie I looked at some of the butane blasting tubes and I have never seen such an inefficient system in my life !--Even the machine that recovers most of the butane sucks !--Why extract if U only gonna recover part of it ?--Then U got to whip it under vacuum to get the left over butane out ( making wax) or let it sit several weeks to let that butane slowly evaporate out until it is shatter !---This CO2 system sounds like the bomb --( not a bomb as in butane extraction )--At about 5,000 psi at the right temp CO2 acts like a solvent !--As it passes thru the weed there is a collection chamber where the hash oil collects as the CO2 brings it out the weed !--The CO2 evaps quickly same as CO2 coming out your coke and leaving it flat !--Should get almost all the THC out the weed !--Nothing but shatter!--Without the weeks wait !--Shatter from Keef's Frankenplant that's gonna make so.e magical Liquid Weed !---Be so good --I might have to start a church !--
morning krav and the rest. i was tired last night, the wife and toked a couple doobies and it was pretty much lights out for me. my clones are still looking good and i hope to see some roots this week. i need something in my flower box. i got to get some 5" flex hose and was wanting something dark but it looks like it will be clear. i guess that is why they make duct tape and paint. yall have a great morning and i'll check in later.
Wake and bake. No coffee for me. I am going to tackle the spare bedroom today. Got to get me me grow space!
Morning yarddog and OFC, got my coffee and smoking my third bowl. YD are you into football. I watching the Super Bowl tomorrow. Are you? My grow is 2 weeks and 3 days at 4 3/4 inches. Looking real green and health looking. Just hope and wishing for a nice grow this time around.
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