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Rose -Rose-Rose !--How do I say this without breaking a rule ?--What is marching powder ? -- We'll that is the substance they were once forced to remove from Coca-Cola !--
Oh dear, just tried to light the mouse..ha
You made me spit Coke all over my keyboard. I'm still giggling.
Never had any Irish soda bread. ....what's It like?
If you like a nice, hard, crusty bread, it's great. It's made daily and used daily in Ireland. Four cups of flower, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of baking powder, and a cup and a half of buttermilk. Don't have buttermilk? A cup and a half of regular or 3% milk with two teaspoons of vinegar will work just fine. Kneed it all together, smash it into a flat circle, and chuck it in a greased and floured cake pan. Put another cake pan over the top and stuff it in a 425 degree oven for half an hour. Pull off the inverted cake pan and bake another fifteen minutes. Good stuff.

You folks didn't know I was Martha Stewart, did ya?:)
I'm too old to party like that anymore !----Let me give U an example of --Just because U can do a thing doesn't mean U should !-- The process of turning a hydrochloride to a base --chemically !-- I can but I won't ! -If U did not understand what I just said --it's a good thing !--If U understood then U know !--
Umbra once mentioned an incident involving Olivetol !--Cuz --If know exactly what that is used for !
Don't know why I said that except maybe trying to assure myself that this Liquid Weed is in the bag !-- This ain't even gonna be hard and tetras ? -- I talked the talk --watch me wk the walk !--I already seen it in a vision!-- Mane --Keef be LIT UP !
been setting here listening to janis joplin, and toking on a bowl. checked the clones, no wilt so far. i'm keeping a little mist of water in the dome twice a day and spray the clones in the morning. the plants got their first feeding today.
Got my blueberry repotted.
Rolled a joint of bubblicious, nice sweet smoke. Leaves your lips sweet. Been curing for about 8 weeks, really getting smooth. Noticing more aroma too.
Hippie,I like the sounds of that soda bread..I love making bread,most of all I love eating it...I do a no Knead rustic Italian bread that is Killer.. And a nice Garlic Rosemary Focaccia they are both fairly easy...Once you get the feel of it, there a breeze ...
Keef.....:48:.....Slow down Bro...
It's a weed Giggy !--U got this ! --I bet U get at least 80% success!

Hey Hippie --Man U blind sided me with those seed !--I was expecting to have to wait year or so until I got enough seed to even do a tiny attempt at making a tetra !-- Hippie go and drop a big bag of quality seed in my lap !---I'm checking the germ rate and how long germ takes on a control group --When the stuff gets here I'll try 100 seed at the recommended strength --do the soak they way they say --See if anything will germ --If anything does I'll get it under a microscope and see if it caused polyploid if not I try again with stronger solution !---I have to find that fine line between polyploid and death !-- This should be enough seed for me to show U something !--but -U know I have to go back again and again there will be no end to the search for the green grail !
Cane --Slow down ? -- I choose not to understand what U talking about !--Me high ? --Stuff don't 'fect me none !--
I like it Cane !--Just another way to L.S.T ( Low Stress Training) --U gonna love Hippie's SCROG (SCreen Of Green ) --He wraps a plant round and round under a 4 inch mesh screen --always winding it around and tucking the limbs back under the screen !--When he flips it --It is more like a screen of bud !--I can see it already !--U a SCROG man !
I like it Cane !--Just another way to L.S.T ( Low Stress Training) --U gonna love Hippie's SCROG (SCreen Of Green ) --He wraps a plant round and round under a 4 inch mesh screen --always winding it around and tucking the limbs back under the screen !--When he flips it --It is more like a screen of bud !--I can see it already !--U a SCROG man !

That does sound like fun "SCROG".. But also Sounds like lots O-work?? ....Hippie didn't you just put some seed Down?? All the Mojo if so Bro......
I'm not talking down to anyone when I tell what SCROG or something is !--Some don't know this stuff --I remember when I didn't !-- I grow in a style called SOG --Sea Of Green --( Super Cropping ) -- That means I stuff a lot of clones together and send them to bloom! -- When I first heard of this they told me if U run a sativa --As soon as a cut roots ,send it to bloom !--Back then the plan was --Stacked SOGS --Aero --Under LEDS -I've modified stuff since then !--Without a longer veg cycle U rely only on the genetics for potency! --I'm vegging longer and running fewer plants --Quality and quantity have been improving ! -- Be using some screen myself but more as support !--The plan now is to find my Frankenplant !-- Things are moving fast !
You will find it Bro....You are putting in your time, that is for sure.....
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