I could just send him a mason of my corn squeezin's. Anytime I feel like I'm getting sick, I take a big ol' slug and problem solved.
That's cause ya don't remember being sick. Lol
I could just send him a mason of my corn squeezin's. Anytime I feel like I'm getting sick, I take a big ol' slug and problem solved.
I have an ex brother in law who is LEO. He had a golden retriever and wanted to make it mean. He used a cattle prod on it until no one could pet it, it was so mean and hated people so much. I personally thought someone should use the cattle prod on my ex brother in law. He was not a good LEO. He should have been locked up for the things he did. The dog thing was only a small part of the things he would do.
Then I will tell you the worst story about something he did. He was not a regular LEO. In Philly, a bunch of the bridges and high speed train are owned by a company called Patco. Patco has their own police force with state wide authority in both NJ and PA. There was a developmentally challenged kid, maybe 13 or 14 who was hopping the turn style and riding the train for free. They have cameras everywhere. He had done it 2 or 3 times over a month or so. My ex bil decided to teach him a lesson. He caught the kid jumping the style and took him to a dark part of the train platform, put a bag over his head and put his service revolver to his head and then pulled the trigger. Nothing happened because he had taken the bullets out, but the kid didn't know that. He defecated himself and was so traumatized they had to sedate him. The train driver saw it all and reported him. They fired the train driver.It would best I don't comment on this!!--Screw that what's his name and location? Wouldn't hurt me a bit !---U abuse kids or animals !--I bite your fingers off !
I'd love one or corned beef and swiss. but anything besides Hebrew penicillin gives me gut cramps that double me in half.18:50 here !--Anyone down for a burger !