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morning krav and the rest of the ofc. happy hump day. yall talking about cats, i wish i had a cat but right now i have dogs and i think a cat would have a hard time. keep that cherry lit. peace
Giggy, I got four cats. Sometimes I think about walking out the house one day and just leaving it all to the cats.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Working on that pipe !-- Quit putting up a Jesus tree when the daughter left for college !-- It's just me and D.D. !-- As far as I'm concerned Christmas is simply an abomination commercial holiday where we celebrate how society presses citizens to spend thier savings staying up with the Jones !-- Knock yourself out !--Kinda confused about the tree and it's connection to the Christian holiday !
Good Morning OFC. Keef, I believe the tree thing comes from Norway. They had candles lit on their trees. Once both of my sons were away at college and couldn't make it home for Christmas, I stopped doing the tree and decorations. My family did not approve of my lack of Christmas spirit, so they came over and decorated my house and the tree. Last year here in Cali, no decorations or lights. My family gave me a hard time. My son told me he likes the lights and the tree stuff, he just doesn't want to help with any of it. Until he makes an effort, I don't see the point. My family wants a photo of us with a tree this year, lol.
We don't do much for Christmas. A tree, and a few gifts. Nothing major. I like getting together with the family and having a good time.
Im an Athiest and I still decorate for my Granddaughter because she thinks the lights are pretty. Its a pretty time of the year and a family day with nobody working. The rest of the crap is just that,,,crap.
To me Santa Clause and God are all the same,,,all about money and CONTROL. One keeps grownups in control waiting on crap,,and the other keeps children in control waiting on his fat *** to bring them presents,,,,If their good,,,lol. My Kids always knew who left gifts,,and it wasnt some Fat guy sliding his *** down a chimney,,,A LIE IS A LIE,,no matter how you paint it.
We dont spend our savings buying gifts all for one day,,,, or my hard earned money Tithing to some butthole who uses my money to buy fancy cars,clothes,houses, and jets.

BUT... this isn't a BASH on religion thread

and anyone who does have faith, if it brings good things into your life one way or the other, praise [insert choice here] !! and feel sorry for us non believers.

WEED people, marijuana, dope, smoke... remember?
(silly stoners)
Yep,,,to each his own. I was a Preacher for 7yrs. I have Read the Bible all the way thru,,,TWICE ,,,,,SO I KNOW WHAT IT SAYS.
So I dont figure anyone will have a problem with how I feel since they cant be too Religious if they grow and smoke weed in a State and Country where Weed is against the laws of their land.

Romans 13:1-7

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment...............

Most will twist the WORD/BIBLE to work for them and what they are doing. Lol
Well, good morning, I guess.... WH, we know how strongly you feel. But we have a little rule here about religion... I would like to know how you went from a pastor to an atheist though. Too bad we don't have a chat area so we could talk about stuff like this. My husband and i have sure changed since we were kids, in our beliefs.

I don't think i will put up a tree this year, my heart isn't in it. But i did do a gorgeous mantle..I could show you a picture..

We have a few inches of snow on the ground this morning. It is at the pretty stage.

Smoking some cindy/ zella mix.
Sorry Rose. Ive been real good lately. Sometimes cant help myself. Lol
Sent you a PM bout your question.
Short answer is,,,I ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK.
yarddog i have 6 in the house and 2 aren't mine. we haven't put up a tree in the last 8 to 10 years, we are never home for christmas as we are next door at my inlaws.
My bad Rose !--I started it !--I apolgize for bring up the subject !--Happy Holidays all !-- I don't need an excuse to party !--- Good food --Good weed ----Good people --Good times !-- No excuse needed !-- Since I messed up and broke a MP rule there's no going back !-- I'm bout to break the law of the land !!--
My bad Rose !--I started it !--I apolgize for bring up the subject !--Happy Holidays all !-- I don't need an excuse to party !--- Good food --Good weed ----Good people --Good times !-- No excuse needed !-- Since I messed up and broke a MP rule there's no going back !-- I'm bout to break the law of the land !!--
Had nothing to do with you Keef. I need no help screwing up or breaking a rule Little Brother.
You guys are great. It is hard not to talk about stuff that makes us have huge opinions. I mean, if we could talk politics, i would be banned again. Did ya'll know i was banned a few ago? Three of us.. I was pretty surprised.

Keef, give dd a hug from me.. I hate orientations... or staff meetings.. OH man, i hate staff meetings. Has anything ever been decided in a staff meeting that meant anything. Not in my life.
Rose was a banned Outlaw? Yehaaaaaaaaaa
Getting banned by a bunch of law breaking,, pot smoking outlaws,,,now thats funny.
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