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Is it that hard to put cheese on a cheeseburger ?-- Hello girls !-- Drop that burger on some caps and we good!--Wait!- where's my pipe ?-- I think D.D. need her own pipe !--
Good evening ladies lookin Good...
Kraven what be the girls name??
DD you need to stop taking my Little Brothers pipe. Get her right Keef.You show her who's boss,,,when you crawl out from under the house....
Hopper !--She say jump !--I say how high ?-Be best I just get her a pipe of her own! --- I got three dogs shivering in my lap watching Rosie the robovac while the littlest has been following it around studying it !--Like he looking for a weakness --So he can take it out !--I best keep an eye on that little Bastid !
Im tellen ya Bro,, been married 30 yrs. She is 5ft tall half breed that scares the hell outta me,,cause I have to sleep sooner or later. Lol
well..... well..... well, I'm the kind of cat that will skin you alive, slowly over about 3-4 weeks, just and inch at a time, and that's only the beginning of the hell you will live through before you expire...... Sounds about right for the o'l ex BIL......I'd have him so deep in these o'l pine woods only the crickets would hear his screams..........

You're my kind a guy Kraven.
I'm the boss WH! As the man said, "jump? How high?" And, hello lovely ladies!
Good evening ladies lookin Good...
Kraven what be the girls name??

In the upper left is the Hippy Slayer and the from and top right are Sunshine Tres Dream, its an F1 from Bohdi's Sunshine Daydream and the breeders Tres Dawg.
Thanks for the warning Umbra, i didn't read your post about the worst thing he did. that is as far as i got. I can't handle animal abuse. Especially now. People that abuse animals are sociopaths aren't they?

Hippie, are you feeling better at all? You can whine here anytime.

So pretty Kraven. they look happy. Your post about skinning people gave me chills. I am too sensitive for you guys tonight... I will bid you goodnight.. Smoking some nurse larry and happy about it.
I am sorry I mentioned my ex BIL, it just bums me out. He is now a Fed working for Customs. If I am not mistaken, Tres Dawg is JJ 's work out of NYC.
Up on the Alien spacecraft the commander returned and ask the duty officer for a report !!-Duty officer shook his head and said ---Sir: last month they were lobotamizing Pumpkins --This month they shoving bread up turkey's a$$ !!-This is one f'ed up world !
Morning ofc. Got cool yesterday. Woke up to sub freezing 40's this morning. I tried to put in some winter fat, didn't work. Might need to move south. I hear south Miami is nice this time of year. Lol. Prolly get shot
Oh Rose, I'm sorry, those demons lurk just under the surface. I promise to never verbalize something like that again. I really am a nice calm quiet guy.....

Good Morning OFC, cold and damp here, temp was 49 when I got up...yuk, I hate the cold snaps we get in the winter.
Morning O.F.C! -- Cold out there !-44!-- This was not In the brochure--- Dog I can 't go much farther south than this !--Kraven --U be alright !--We just have to reel each other back in when we start slipping !-- For us it has to be kept under the surface !--Just because U can do a thing !--Don't mean U have to !-- Rose I apologize too !-- They taught us to be animals then turned us loose !--I told them I wasn't fit for polite society !-- It can be hard sometimes !
I got two rules.
1. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
2. Treat mofo's the way they treat others. If number 1 don't work, number 2 will.
Morning O.F C. Raining, in the upper 40s, Nice day to Bake,,,,:48:
morning folks, heavy frost this morning. i try to treat folks the same as i want. i'm a natural a-hole so i try real hard not to be. looks like another day in the shop. looking forward to lunch as i got the ol cold can today but it is roast beef hash i haven't had that in awhile. yall folks have a great day. peace
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