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Keef in these cases the execution should happen at the scene...Don't bring them in alive.
no frost, but I think they liked the heat anyways. Coffee and dubbie. good morning OFC
just find if strange the president comes out pitching for gun control laws , but never comes out on a Monday after a weekend shootout in his home town.
I agree with Cane !-- Rose I don't think there is an answer !-- Some say take all the guns away but there's already millions of unregistered firearms such as mine !-- No way to do that !-- Texas just passed an open carry law !- As long as it is worn or carried visibly ,it's legal !-- No permit required !-- Maybe if more people would have been packing someone coulda dropped him before got more than one !-- Gun Control laws will not work !-- We just have to find a way to eliminate soft targets !-- Not many people try to rob a gun store or pawn shop and walk away !--
In prison they make weapons out of anything. Guns are not the problem. Society is the problem.
Placed my order for the 1k watt hps this morning. Should be here Tuesday!
Dog did U get your mail ?-- Sucks to be on the East Coast today too !-- Maybe we should pass a law making hurricanes against the law !-- Anyone who knows how to read a blueprint and shape steel to their will can manufacture automatic weapons should they choose !-- Back in 1975 when I got out the army I had a friend who would buy crates of surplus gun parts from the military - Sort the pieces out and see how many M-16 we could put together with the parts !-- It was a smart thing for them to stop selling surplus gun parts like that !-- I personally had a thing for Ma Deuce !--
just find if strange the president comes out pitching for gun control laws , but never comes out on a Monday after a weekend shootout in his home town.
They lose more in Chicago in one week than they do in Oregon in a year.
One more gun law will cure it, right?

Stiff as a coffin nail this morning. Didn't do **** yesterday, so I'm gonna blame it on the weather.
I tried to fire up the boiler yesterday but got overruled by the Old Hen (hot flashes) and the Pullet (crimson tide). Woke up this morning to 62 degrees in the house. Fired the boiler. They want cool, there's a big ole cool spot outside for 'em!

I left a couple of plants in the pot pen last fall. I clipped the buds off and left the stumps with a few tiny buds on 'em. I've got pics around here somewhere of the little buggers standing green and proud with two inches of snow on the ground. That said, I think next week will be harvest time.
Hippy when U firing up an inside grow ?-- This T.E. thinks it can travel !-- Rose what U growing this winter ?- I'm looking at replacing my Pink line Widow with Umbra's B.B. if one of the two is a girl !- If not I still have a GDP - X- Black Rose to sex !- Of the three one should be a girl !-- A little birdy told me Green Santa may make another seed run -- we'll see !-- Hey Hippy it automatically sensors stuff -- Like this one time - I posted -- After Monday and Tuesday even the calender says -- Dubya -- Tee --Eff and it was sensored !--
I left the bottom of one in the greenhouse last year. In November, It froze at night. the buds were crispy froze. they thawed out and started growing in the afternoon. they are hardy for sure.
you have not herd of many prisoners being taken lately by the army/marines have you? I think they may have the no prisoners rule in place. The police need to adopt the same rule.
I don't like that rule Bozzo !-- I was a Po-Po prisoner once and for once I wasn't doing anything wrong!-- I'm no angel !- I have broken the law at least twice but being in the wrong place at the wrong time cost me an a** whooping ( after I was handcuffed) and $7 !-- Onlyist time I ever had to pay to get an a** whooping-- Most times I get beat for free !
Dog did U get your mail ?-- Sucks to be on the East Coast today too !-- Maybe we should pass a law making hurricanes against the law !-- Anyone who knows how to read a blueprint and shape steel to their will can manufacture automatic weapons should they choose !-- Back in 1975 when I got out the army I had a friend who would buy crates of surplus gun parts from the military - Sort the pieces out and see how many M-16 we could put together with the parts !-- It was a smart thing for them to stop selling surplus gun parts like that !-- I personally had a thing for Ma Deuce !--
I'm looking for a range in Nevada that offers firing an M2. I want to take my son out to a range and what it feels like with that much kick.
Ma Deuce needs to be mounted !-- holding on to anything that fires a .50 caliber in auto mode would be a challenge !--Take him out to fire that .50 caliper sniper rifle !-- They used to sell a .50 gun kit called "The Griffin"-- Can't hardly find ammo for it !--
I haven't heard back about the price of those polyploid seed I'm after !-- Need someone in Canada with a license to grow !-- Somebody hook a brother up !
Umbra I got a " Potato Gun"--made from 4" PVC pipe and a push button spark generator from a gas grill !-- to load it U ram rod the projectile down the PVC barrel then remove the screw in back of the gun and spray some fuel in (hair spray-- Ether ) when U push the button on the igniter - it fires the projectile -- I Blowed a hole in a privacy fence with mine !-- Shoot a potato or other projectile close to 1/4 mile !- I had a laser pointer clamped on mine and zeroed at one time !
I know a few folks with potato guns, they are fun. When we were still on the East Coast, we went to punkin chuckin a few times down in DE. But the feel on a full auto is something my son would like to experience, and I'd like to do it in a safe, controlled atmosphere. Nevada is a few hours drive and is 1 state that allows full auto, so it is something on the list.
Good afternoon Just back from the morning work out..Oh shot a few of those potato guns, they are a blast!! Nope never did fire an auto, would be interesting. Use to shoot a lot of trap & skeet was a lot of fun ... In the right hands guns can be fun....
Now how about a toke..:48:
Afternoon Cane !-- Boot leg AK 47s are cheap at the gun shows around here !-- We were talking about gun control laws this morning !-- 90% of the guns sold at gun shows around here are headed to Mexico--Laws ain't gonna mean squat when the cartels send someone back over the border packing one !-- Full Auto ?-- I have a nervous trigger finger !-- Full auto -- I pull the trigger and I'm empty again !-- I got an old Chinese SKS semi auto with a folding stock pistol grip and twin 30 magazines !-- I can pull that trigger a lot times before I have to reload but up close U can't beat my 12 Ga. Pump !- someone musta lost the plug so I ain't even half way there when I shot my third shot ! Prefer a revolver over semi auto pistol cause the revolver will always shot and never jams !
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