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Go Bozzo !-- Dog it only cost $7 for me to get out of jail !-- Well a black eye, busted lip and wrists mangled by the handcuffs and $7 ! -
I have seen law enforcement from both sides Dog !-- Back in the early seventies I was a military policemen for 2 years !--This was before the had SWAT !-- I was the Po-Po sniper in what they called a ready reaction force !-- I could shoot the hair off a knats a** without drawing blood !-- Never had to pull the trigger !-- Worked close security for President Ford- Casper Weinberger lots of the dignitaries of the day !-- Fought in the race riots !-- I was proud of what I had done !-- Getting handcuffed and having my face slammed into the car hood several time made me ashamed of that I had ever been Po-Po !-- I quit being Po-Po when I realized I had become judge , jury and executioner !--
He practiced his karate on an 8 year old girl and almost killed her !- I almost beat him to death just needed another second or two when they pulled me off him !-- That was my last day to wear a badge ! No I didn't get in trouble !- I got an award !-- Last I heard he was still in intensive care so there's a good chance I got the job done !
Umbra !-- I got a cut from "Trips" to root !-- Had to use rooting solution !-- Don't need any rooting solution on the T.E. or Widow !-- Trips went to the bloom room yesterday !- got my fingers crossed and my eyes open !-- Surely one of 2 Blueberry Blast will be a girl !--
keef about medical just being for fun? I used to think that, now I think we were self medicating when we were young. It worked. The first time i smoked pot at 17. I said, this is for me. I just wish i hadn't stopped for 30 years to raise kids.
Same with me Rose when I was 18 !-- but I never quit !-- but I didn't start eating it until year or so ago !--- Smoke a joint on the way to work -- slip out at lunch for a quick burn then one on the way home.!-- Showed up for the job interview in N.O. stoned so they would think that was just the way I was !-- Anyone can scrub for open heart surgery but can U do it stoned ?-- I could !-- I was always the calm one in the room ! The mindbending doctor ask for an example of what kind stress came with my job !-- I said " How's about -- Hurry up you're killing my patient !
I apologize !-- There are some stories that shouldn't be told -- sometimes I cross the line !-- I'll be more careful !
Nothing out of line to me. But I've been called insensitive more than a few times.
keef about medical just being for fun? I used to think that, now I think we were self medicating when we were young. It worked. The first time i smoked pot at 17. I said, this is for me. I just wish i hadn't stopped for 30 years to raise kids.
When I was married and my oldest son was 5, one day he asked me, " How come you and my Uncle smoke those green flowers?" The DARE program was started in the town I lived in and they started the hate when he was in kindergarten. After that, I knew I had to keep things under wraps. After the divorce, with the boys with me all the time, I would stand on the toilet and blow the smoke into the exhaust vent. I did that for 16 years. Very funny when I look back on it.
I went the honest route Umbra but maybe I shoulda blew it out the bathroom vent --- My daughter came to live with the wife and I after we married when she was 12 -- I had her every summer and most holidays before that !-- We got along great until she went to college and then suddenly daddy was a low life criminal !-- So I was there when my first grandchild was born but I was told of the second a week after she was born !-- We've never met !-- The daughter doesn't want her children exposed to my way of life !-- One day we'll meet and momma gonna have some 'splaining to do !-- Don't feel bad for me !-- I didn't raise her to repay me !-- She became an Engineer and has a great life !-- If this is the price to be paid !-- I'll pay it !
I Made It back only had to stop once to puff a bowl..
Bozzo that be beautiful.
Mane Y.D.Been long time since I have been in a Piggly Wiggly Never mind Brains & Milk Gravy...Long ago I did try some brains & eggs No Thanks .But head cheese is not to bad..
Dog - Don't be talking bad about Hicks !-- I resemble that remark !-- Growing up we either hunted it - caught it out the river or raised it in a pen !-- Veggies came from the one acre garden we worked by hand !-- I will not shell beans or peas to this day !--I can skin just about anything and run a trotline too !- Don't mean I have to anymore !-- Bet my high school Ag. teachers woulda never guessed I'd be growing aeroponic weed under LED light one day ! Who woulda ever thunk it ?
What was that sausage we use to eat down there something like Boodang?????
Giggy what's up Cuz ?-- Did ya'll know - Giggy and I grew up not very far from each other !
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