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Ride it out Hippy !-- take another toke U can do it !-- If U don't mind -- while U time traveling -- think maybe U could check tommorrows Lotto Numbers for me ?
Bozzo To Funny...
Hippie where we traveling to.
Keef back at ya with the mail...
morning ofc, time to WAKE AND BAKE. got the coffee brewing. thought i had myself under control till i got back to work. everybody came by and i damn near cried every time. i hope i do better today. lets burn another.
Sometimes you got to cry. You lost your dad. That's a big loss. I will be devastated when I lose mine.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh !-- I feel old today !-- In a minute or two I'm gonna feel old and high !
Morning O.F.C. Wake & Bake Giggy hope that your day goes better..
Morning, Old Farts. Kinda dismal here today as far as weather goes. If the weatherman is right, it looks like we've got a few warm, dry days in the middle of next week. Probably be my best chance of getting the crop in.

All the guerilla guys have been MIA the last few times at the pub. I imagine they've been hard at it. You can always tell the posers from the actuals. The real growers will be sporting blisters on their fingers from the trimming sessions.
No wonder I couldn't remember Umbra !-- Is that the same dad as these mixed seed ?--If so he did good !-- I got those two BPU - X- Blueberry Blast sexing now !-- Beautiful big fat leaves sturdy stem -- Look indica dominate -- but no doubt a hybrid !-- The GDP - X - Black Rose is coming along nicely --- I'll sex it soon !-- remember when I said I was going to drop my pink line Widow and replace it with one of these two B.B. ?-- There's nothing wrong with it except it takes a few more days to finish !--The Gloman grew some and it was outstanding ! She shows a little more sativa than my black line even though they sisters ! --
Morning OFC...Giggy, I still leak at times too bro, gonna take a bit till that passes, I wound ever completely stop hurting but I will adjust, and in time you will too. Hope today is a good one for you.
No wonder I couldn't remember Umbra !-- Is that the same dad as these mixed seed ?--If so he did good !-- I got those two BPU - X- Blueberry Blast sexing now !-- Beautiful big fat leaves sturdy stem -- Look indica dominate -- but no doubt a hybrid !-- The GDP - X - Black Rose is coming along nicely --- I'll sex it soon !-- remember when I said I was going to drop my pink line Widow and replace it with one of these two B.B. ?-- There's nothing wrong with it except it takes a few more days to finish !--The Gloman grew some and it was outstanding ! She shows a little more sativa than my black line even though they sisters ! --
Yes it is the same dad. It's funny, I offered the pollen to anyone would wanted it at another site and only 1 person from down under took me up on it. He told me of amazing strains he did with it and then we lost touch.

Giggy/Kraven every one grieves differently, but it is a process. It took me 2 years to cry when my Mother died. I am so good at keep everything in, I never let it out. But when it came out, it was a dam that burst.
Well I'm sure the mom had something to do with it too but I 'm trying to get a clone from the Widow - X T.E. back and if one of those BB is male I'm breeding them !- If not I'm breeding it to the T.E. it looks a lot like the BB ! It can't help but be good !--Hey Giggy --U weren't able to save a clone from it were U ?-- How did it finish ?-- Hey Rose can U post a pic of your spinner trimmer ?-- I never seen one !
in time it will get easier. let's have another puff. keef i didn't get to save a cut, i had two but they didn't make it. i think it was to far into flower. on a good note is i found three more seeds of it and i got some rapid start to try on it.
No problem Giggy !--Hope it smokes good for U !-- The Gloman got some ! -- I was looking at the BB sexing back there and both could be female won't be sure for another week or two ! The internode space on both are getting shorter !- Seems to me males give a spurt of growth early in bloom and the distance between leaves get bigger !-- Maybe just superstition ?--
Last week I started experimenting with something called " Axiom"- ( Harpin Protein ) -- My wife the Mighty RWS - been after me to try it for months -- She did the research and found good and bad reviews so I hesitated !- Just because U see it on the internet don't mean it's true !-- First application at half strength with only a fine mist over the plants -- The next day the plants went into a growth spurt and are still kicking it !-- it says U can apply every three days but I'm waiting 5 days !-- If the next application does the same thing then it will become part of my grow kit !
Hippie one year I had 3 plants out on the state land....I waited till October 2 nd. As I was driving in I see a pickup with 4 guys in the back. They were really happy looking. when I got to the spot, the holes were still wet. Fresh pulled up holes. Gorilla growers better have them in by hunting season. lol
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