Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Its way to late for gun control laws, there are already to many guns out there.
Me sold the pistols & rifles ,keep the shotguns for home defence.Nothing like the sound of a pump shotgun, it just stops people..
Man it would suck to be on the east coast today !--- I don't hunt anymore Cane !-- I didn't know U were supposed to only shot ducks when they flying till I was grown !-- I would hear people say something about burning up 3 boxes of shells to get their limit !-- I couldn't understand !-I could ease up behind them cattails and slide my gun through and get 3-4 with one shot !
Hey Keef !- How U get them ducks out the water after U shoot them without getting wet !-- We know yo broke a** didn't have one of them fancy fetching dogs!!-- Treble hook on a rod and reel !
Great idea Keef fishing for ducks, who woulda thunk...Always had couple springers around buddy of mine had twins shotgun & repeater great dogs, one would fetch rocks under water.
That Green Santa dude is tricky !-- What's it mean Mixed BPU ?-- I understand GDP X Black Rose !--
it means the mom's were different and the dad was BPU. It could be any one of the following:
grand daddy purps
blueberry blast
killing fields F7
riotberry og
twisted purple og
las vegas purple kush
I can't see how U could go wrong with parents like that !-- I think it'll be fun trying to decide what's what as they grow !-- U da man Umbra !--
Tell me again what BPU means ?-- I keep forgetting !-- Imagine that an old stoner forgetting something !-- Must be just me !
So I need to vent, we got a new DON about 6 weeks ago....for the last 2 weeks she has been borderline impaired due to heavy narcotic use....I warned her Tuesday to quit looking so guilty, allegations began to swirl about her stealing narcotics....I had no choice but to do a surprise narc inventory....to prove she was clean.....to my horror I had her on camera @ 10:25pm last night stealing narcotics. When the check was done it was obvious that not only did she steal a full card of 30 oxy but she took the sign off sheet that goes with it...presumably making it unaccountable.....she forgot why I have my job....today she left the building in handcuffs crying.....I liked her, she is not a bad person, she is sick and today I just took her future from her and I feel like ****.
Yo Kraven, It is not your fault ,you did the right thing..
Hippie, how they going to sneak that combine out..?
I was looking at that too Cane !-- Kraven - What choice did U have ?-- She was stealing out the lock box right ?-- The opiates -- As an ex- addict I can tell U they a beast !- After awhile U not trying to get high -- U just trying to keep from getting sick !-- Sometimes getting caught is the only way to save your life !--Doctor caught me !-- I took the wrong urine to a drug screen !-- I'm supposed to be taking 90 mgs of morphine twice a day !- When I took the drug screen -- I came up clean !-- I had to let him think I was selling them or something -- He couldn't know it was because I smoke a lot of weed.!-- Stuff was killing me anyway !
the building department was missing some petty cash ,so they put up a hidden camera. Did not catch a thief, but the fine secretary that sat at the front desk was caught having sex on the desk with the fire marshal. It got quieted up pretty good. I don't think his wife ever found out. but we always looked at the secretary a little different after that lol. she was beautiful black gal.
Dog - U got a headache yet ?-- Turned the little brother on to Seedfinder !-- That place gives me a headache everytime !
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