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? wouldn't that be sorta of location specific?

~wicked grin~

Had to give ya a hard time Hippie.
I don't know about bubble..but this is what we have at my only place.
Rocket's CBD oil is extracted using pure, supercritical CO2 for maximum potency and safety. Each syringe contains 10mg of oil, enough for ten 1mg oral doses. This type of oil is sometimes called "Full extract" or "Rick Simpson Oil."

Each batch professionally tested by Analytical 360 and results labeled on packaging.
$60 - Each

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Dry sieve hashish is incredibly potent and super smooth. Sprinkle a little on top of your favorite meds for an extra kick, mix it into food or smoke/vaporize it directly for one of the most pure medical cannabis experiences available.
$60 - Tin (2g)

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Wild Wild Weed
Monk Hash
Far West Productions
Kief is pure cannabis trichomes in powder form and can be used just like dry sieve hashish. Sprinkle a little on top of your favorite meds for an extra kick, mix it into food or smoke/vaporize it directly for one of the most pure medical cannabis experiences available.

Blended kief is a good choice for every day use.
Lemon Skunk & Alaskan Thunder are Sativa dominant.
$20 Alaskan Thunder - Vial (1g)

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This exceptionally potent, dark hashish will take your breath away. Sprinkle a little on top of your favorite meds for an extra kick, mix it into food or smoke/vaporize it directly for one of the most pure medical cannabis experiences available.
$20 - Vial (1g)

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Most people down here wouldn't even know what U was talking about !-- I would imagine it would be pretty good hash too !-- I saw your red cement mixer !-- I hope U save room for some T.E. !-- I don't think there's gonna be anymore seed cause their mother died !-- I expect to be working this tetra thru the spring and summer before I can share -- it's supposed to have a low clone rate !-- One day Hippy !-- when the federal law changes -- I'll take all the bubble U can make ! -- How else can I stock my beach pharmacy !-- I can't grow enough to stock a pharmacy by myself ! --
I'm making a list Rose !--- Where's the e-cig juice ?-- I know dis one pot pharmer got a Flower Tower running 24/7 !-- I think this year been berry, berry good to him !
Yo Hippy U asked what a gram of bubble hash cost in different parts of the country ?-- down here it would cost U about 6 months in jail !
Got a buddy of mine begging for me to sell him eight grams. Already gave the greedy bastard two for free. He claims he's down to 14 grams of stash, but I know him better. If he claims 14, you can safely double it.

Tried to get him to let me build him a pot pen. Tried to set him up on his third indoor grow. Even offered to teach him how to grow it the right way (hydro), but NO! He want's my goodies!:)
Teach a man to fish. You've given this guy every chance to learn to support himself. Don't be victim of leaching.

That said,
Give me some bubble while your at it!!!
Morning O.F.C Ya Hip send us all some. Went to see Doc Yesterday said that he does not do MMJ cards anymore. Says that he believes that I am better off using it that the Pharm,drugs But since the laws changed you can buy it any where, he is not prescribing it.
Think it has to do with the clinic he belongs to. Wasn't six months ago he said that If it helped ,the only thing he wanted me to do was grow my own...Big change in direction!!
Morning O.F.C. !-- Hippy sounds like that lepracaun -- Everybody always trying to get his lucky charms !-- Oregon rolled over ?-- Another one bites the dust !-- Gonna have to change federal law before Texas rolls over !-- but when it does I be waiting !-- Oh !- Texas has a legal mmj law !--U can use it if the Doctor prescribes it but a doctor can't prescribe it !-- Bastids !-- I got some payback coming for all the ducking and dodging the Po-Po I had to do over the years !-- I got no problem buying ,selling trading weed ! Except for the law !- --
Same thing here in the mitten, Cuz. A doctor can recommend it, but they can't prescribe it. Total horse dookie.

47 balmy degrees this morning. Supposed to get up to a sweltering 61. Love this state, but I HATE the cold.
Good morning OFC

mrcane we are in such trouble here for medical... I got my license this last summer and i know they won't be issuing them like this again. Next year we get 4 plants. bid deal.. BUT if your using legal pot then you can't grow... i don't get it. Let me get this straight, we can buy who know what kind of stuff at a legal dispensary but we can't grow our own legally... only medical can grow and only a quarter of what we have been allowed for years. It gives me a headache how bad they screwed our medical.

Taking my first hit of purple haze right now!... A bit harsh, no cure.. YUM... I might live.
Ok, good morning.
I'll have to check the local news this afternoon .-- When Colorado went legal -- There was a traffic jam headed north from the border !-- Hauling brickweed !--Everyone can't afford fine weed but still want a toke or two !-- I think when a pharmer harvests and still has weed from the previous harvest they should market what's left !-- U saw the prices Rose posted from that weed store !-- There should be a place to wholesale excess !-- Or at least do some trading !-- Hippy could get off some of his excess and pay for a week in the Caribbean during the winter every year !-- Just because we all enjoy growing , don't me it can't at least a profitable hobby !-- I have NO shame about my plans !-- I'm gonna grow weed and make a lot of money Doing it !--When the law changes !--I hope I can find a market way far away from here !-- Keep it all on the down low !--
I don't get it, you can buy it anywhere, but can not grow it?? Well didn't want to have to do it, but will just have to visit the right Doc....
It is 150 dollars of rip off for the license. I like The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation. they make calls to my little town. The money for the license is worth it for me to no be paranoid.
Oh there is another way to grow in a " collective garden" then the government will come in and do random checks and we have to bar code our plants and track them to where they end up.. for me it would be bar coding rso.. and my neighbor that gets a lot of my grow cause she helps me harvest. that is not something i am interested in doing.
Speeding is against the law too but most do it anyway !-- Plant limits are like speed limits more of a suggestion !-- They are not going to stop the new Green Wave economy !-- I saw the prices on weed on that show about Colorado legal weed shops !-- $35 a GRAM for weed !-- I'm all over this !- I know for sure which side of that transaction I want to be on !
yep I'll be voting no if it's going to be that way here.
Really it's not about the $$ for me. I just want to be left alone and grow my own.. As I grow most my own Veggies.
Keef check out Allbud.com will give you Wash. despensarys and prices..
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