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Sure is Rose ..Nicer weight to the bags also also.
I like what Umbra has done with that garage grow room !-- I know after they paid a visit to Yoop he quit growing outside !-- I'm not near as paranoid as I was growing outside !-- I think these polyploids are the future of weed pharming so I gotta get some !-- It's the same process they used to make seedless watermelons !-- Haven't U ever wondered how they have seed that U plant but the melons that grow from those melons have no seed !-- Where did them seed come from if the melons don't have seed !-- It's because they are triploid -- That means they sterile and can't be fertilized so no seed !-- Sounds to me like they growing sensamillia melons !-- Could this process be used on weed ?-- Hell Yeah it can and is being done !-- and I'm all over it !-- This thing I'm after isn't top shelf weed !-- It's on a whole nother level !-- more THC out of same grow space ??- No brainer !
Weed's going for ten bucks a gram around here.

It cost me $65 bucks for the doctor and $100 to the state for my card, and it's good for two years. Think I've got to re-up by March of next year.

I think it's a joke. I can go to a regular doctor for free, get all kinds of pharma poison for a small co-pay, and Blue Cross foots the bill! Not interested in spending my Golden Years as a damn pill junkie, though. All I want to do is knock down the pain level. Too much to ask?
Welcome back Giggy !-- There's nothing any of us can say that will help but maybe we can distract U some !-- Back in the day I used to middle man for 3 dealers !-- Worked nicely I must say !-- I simply busted a 1/4 pound into 5 equal bags -- I told the dealer this one is for U !- I want this much for the other 4 !-- Sometimes they be back several times a weekend !-- I always left room for them to make some money to go with they free bag !-- We was all happy !--
Welcome home giggy. We missed ya.

Hippie420 says:
I think it's a joke. I can go to a regular doctor for free, get all kinds of pharma poison for a small co-pay, and Blue Cross foots the bill! Not interested in spending my Golden Years as a damn pill junkie, though. All I want to do is knock down the pain level. Too much to ask?

EXACTLY! I hate big pharma more every day. You wouldn't believe what a doctor told me about statins yesterday and how they were put on the market. BAD. We have all been made more sick by all these drugs to make the big pharma rich. Pot will do the same thing as a lot of those pills.
In the past year I have been able to get off two different drugs, one a narcotic. not to say my blood pressure has been that of a runner.. All Since I started using MJ regularly..Past job did not allow me to smoke.
What Rose said !!-- So we gonna sit around and let government and big pharm stop us ?--- I grow weed !-- it's a joy and it'll pay the bills !-- Two things can be true ! -- I don',t trust government and big pharm if that makes me an Outlaw -- So Be It !
As my wife put it, were going to do it anyway...
It is warming up here nice ,I must take my tea out on the patio with a nice fatty...
I kinda thought weed as a medicine was just a justification for getting high until I started eating it !-- Then I got online and started studying this special weed we grow !-- I even read the old science papers!-- I'm a believer now !-- There may even be other beneficial compounds in weed that we don't even know about yet ! -- Cane - I got off morphine blood pressure meds and muscle relaxers !-- Weed is all I need !-- I waiting on a call to pick up a couple ounces of brickweed for Cannacaps !-- it makes decent caps when decarbed !-- I would rather eat it and save my weed for smoking !-- Won't be long until bloom is full again !-- Dam spidermites !--
I just checked my grow. looks like I cookies is coming down today... she is HUGE, not looking forward to it.
Whoo Hoo beautiful out, neighbor stopped by had some Killer bud... Sheeeet and I was going to ride my bicycle into town for a Noon Chi Gong class...
There ya go Rose, another day of trimming.
94 this afternoon low of 76 tonight !-- I'd have to be high to get on a bicycle !-- but I heard a song that says "When I'm F***ed up -- That's the real me "-- I am and Nope -- No bike ride for me !-- That's why Jesus invented the motor and gasoline !--
I put 1,500 miles on a bike in 8 months when I was in the half way house. Said I would only ride if it was self propelled now. I will say, my legs was like iron. I could peddle a beach cruiser for three days without stopping.
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