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N.E. I been wondering about adding some terepenes to use as a thinning agent !-- Got to be some terepenes get burned off in a Rosin Press -- Getting it to flow right everytime in an e-cig cartridge might require a little thinning !-- Just a tiny, tiny amount !-- That's the only problem !-- I don't mess with the stuff in Texas the law says U get caught making a cannabis extract U could get up to 99 years in the grey bar hotel ! -- So I most certainly know nothing !---He said in a horrible Sgt. Schultz imitation ! -- but if a fellow was to press some rosin oil it just stands to reason it would be sticky as hell and hard to work with and could probably use some thinning !--
keef if i am understand right, your list is of bacteria, not bugs, beneficial bacteria.

NE GUY, everything looks fabulous.. Nice work Really fun to see all that this morning.
I don't know if you guys have a Kijiji out there but it's kind a like a craigslist I come across all kinds of crazy things check this out

that is quite the stealthy grow idea, bud.

battening down the hatches here in massachewie. we have a nor'easter/blizzard blowing in tomorrow morning. my snowblower is broken and i have the flu. trifecta?
Hang in there OF !-- We got about 60 degrees and 99.99% humidity !-- My face ain't liking it !

Are U sure Rose ? -- I raised one of they's little legs and looked !-- Looked like a bug to me !
keef if i am understand right, your list is of bacteria, not bugs, beneficial bacteria.

NE GUY, everything looks fabulous.. Nice work Really fun to see all that this morning.

Funny thing Rose, I tend to call bacteria "bugs," so I may have confused him; he rode the short bus you know.
Keef...D.D You guys are great,you make me smile:)
Lemon ginger tea & N.L......:48:
thanks guys,

yes they fit in nice as a filler between the seeds and the flowering 6 i have

will probably keep one as a mom and flower 5 of them after a transplant to coco and gallon bags lalala

thanks to the snow will be a good day project
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