Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Oh yeah,,,my Son and my Daughter in law are moving out and into there own house. My Granddaughter is staying cause of her school,,,,,, ,lol.
Congrats weed hopper. Maybe a grow is in your future?? I'm sure you will have some killer seeds thrown your way
Thanks my friends. And yep,,when my Little girls parents get their **** together, ,she will be with them. Then i can grow.
And i miss it terrible, ,,but love My Granddaughter even more then i do growing.
Evening all !-- Sorry to leave U children on your own today !-- I've had some mental issues I perfer people didn't see so I'm laying low !-- It'll pass !-- See ya on the other side ! --
Best Wishes Hopper !-- Hope it all works out !
Hope you feel better soon Keef.

yay Wh, She is so lucky to have you for her pappa.
WH, so what are going to grow first

I want some Satori Little Brother. Ive heard alot of good things about it.
I love growing Pineapple Express too,,but Satori would be awesome.
Hell i really dont know,,,you guys grow so much Dank it makes my head spin.
Maybe when im ready,,ill have my friends send me some beans,,put them in a hat and pull a pack out,,and thats what i will grow. That's the scientific way to do it. :smoke1:
Morning folks. My Wife just called me and said it was really quit last night. The kids spent their first night in their new place. No bed no nothing,,,lol. My Granddaughter was happy because she had her room back. :smoke1: That little girl is the apple of my eye.
Hope yall have a wonderful day.
Love ya Rose,,,,,,.yehaaaaaaaa
concerned that i found some white/yellowish powder in one of my sons weed stash containers in the basement where they vape mostly cannabis and what i think is kratom. not sure if it might be molly. they stayed up all night with their girlfriends the other night so i am thinking it is a stimulant. aside from giving them the third degree(they are adults and don't really owe me any explanation), is there a way to identify it? it does not smell like coke. or should i but out? i know they occasionally do acid and mushrooms but both are not slackers. one works a full time job, a part time job and goes to school full time while the other trains martial arts 7 days a week for a good 4-6 hours each day, trains other people 4-5 times a week and works part time at the ymca. maybe they just needed to chill. just don't want them getting into something addictive...
Morning O.F.C. !-- 76 and sunny today at the beach !

O.F. I don't have a clue about a yellow powder !

I got some pharming to do --check in later !
Good morning Keef hope you're off to an excellent start this morning finally warming up here today :48: how much pollen do you think I need to put in that bag
I would have to say today is a good day this oil is kicking my *** a buddy gave me for cocktail table arcade games to tabletop arcade games and one standup arcade game now I just got to figure out what I'm gonna do with them I think I might stop raspberry pies in them which is kind of like a mini computer and turn them into a retro gaming system with over 5000 of the old video games
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