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Kravens Smoked that once, Forgot about a low water crossing. Hit it at 15 miles a Hour. Laughed all the way home.
Oh my.....Rose I got ahold of some Alaskan Thunderfuck or ATF.....this is some creeping giggling wanna dance in the rain kinda smoke. I must acquire these genetic's.....Rose! why didn't you set a brother hip...your from Alaska....I know you have smoked ATF?? Big ol frosty piney / lemon buds with just a whiff of skunk....man I'm a happy camper....whoooohooo doogggie where is WH when ya wanna share :48:

I gave a pack of these away 6 months ago.
Keef, I have some strawberry stuff I haven't gotten to that I think might work. I have Jaws insane jane strawberry and Bodhi's super silver strawberry lotus.
Big boat with animals in it just floated down the street !-- Did I not get the memo or something ? -- Not that bad yet but it keeps coming !--
Umbra U know I'm just trying to figure out what's what !-- I don't got all this experience with all these varieties like some ya'll !-- All I know to do is grow as many different kinds as I can and find stuff that I like !
Ain't got nothing but how much I like it to go on !-- Like a blind man alone in a candy store only way to know is do tasting !-- That be one my favorite parts --Having to smoke lots of weed !-- It'll be tough but I do the best I can !-- All I know is what I like! -- If others like it fine !-- If not ? --It's thier loss !-- I'm still working on a weed education !-- I grow and smoke anything I can lay hands on !-- What was that about a Pine ? -- Am I hallucinating again ? -- Was it Giggy been on a quest for the perfect pine ? Somebody was looking for pine! - What was I looking for ?
Changed the oil in the Jeep today, cleaned up the yard and took my re-cyclables to the center. Ness, that little guy is so cute when he sleeps. He snores like an old man when he lies on his back. Time for a bowl
Umbra those strawberry strains sounds very tasty both of those two are excellent breeders
I was Just cutting some clones of the sour diesel I just put in to flower man do they stink The white cookie had a pretty strong smell as well just might be something in there to keep for a while
Kraven that's my kind of smoke there. Sounds like I need to find some atf

Wife is still sick. Back to dr tomorrow.
Wow what a fun afternoon, evening. So friend drops by and says he ran across something kinda rare and offers to smoke a J with me. We smoked that and chatted for about ten minutes then he was off again. He said it was given to him by another friend and he gets it very rarely. My little voice tells me somebody in my neck of the woods has a cut. I inquired as much as I could w/o tipping my hand. Now I'm on the hunt for any information I can find. Really would like to find this since it's such good anxiety medication prior to going out for the evening. Wish I had knew what it was Umbra...I would have figured a way to do some horse trading with you.
Kraven that's my kind of smoke there. Sounds like I need to find some atf

Wife is still sick. Back to dr tomorrow.

Really sorry to hear YD, whats her main symptoms. Is it like an upper/ lower respiratory infection or just a bad cold that has her down and weak. If it is viral, not much they can do but fluid load her and try to make her comfortable.
Best Wishes to the wife Dog !-- There is a real bad flu this year I hope she gets well soon no matter what it is !-- I got no varieties left that I haven't started !-- There's a bunch of them I still haven't smoked but only way I know to do is grow them keeping a clone in veg till I smoke them and decide whether to keep it or not !-- I just held on to most of them until I do the fem seed run on everything! -- After that I'm start thinning the herd !-- It's not gonna be easy !-- Not that I'm a variety hoarder which I have been --With a purpose !-- How do U decide --This is better than that some I'm let it go -- When they all good !-- I bet they would all test close !-- I got to do stuff like decide what blueberry I want to keep --which Strawberry and so on !-- Maybe I just get a bigger grow ?- Bud --or I get a tetraploid male we make trioploid seed outta everything and see what we find ! -- I gave up on a plan long time ago -( although I pretend I got one ) something sounds tasty I try it ! -- I just want to catch a favorable wind and find something highly desirable !
On my wish list not by variety but -- Blueberry- Blackberry --Lemon -A few powerful fruit varieties and by powerful I mean potent but also an identity ( strong terepene profile )-- Then some varieties strong in some of the earthy and Yes --A Pine too !-- Stuff good for pain --stuff good for anxiety --Some of these things in combination !-- I know enough to know -- I don't know squat about what I want !-- I'm the guinea pig !-- It may take a lot of controlled burns but I'll get there !-- They do say it is the journey --Not the destination ? - I may not be getting there in a hurry but Dam I'm enjoying the ride !
Oh my.....Rose I got ahold of some Alaskan Thunderfuck or ATF.....this is some creeping giggling wanna dance in the rain kinda smoke. I must acquire these genetic's.....Rose! why didn't you set a brother hip...your from Alaska....I know you have smoked ATF?? Big ol frosty piney / lemon buds with just a whiff of skunk....man I'm a happy camper....whoooohooo doogggie where is WH when ya wanna share :48:

Worked in Alaska some 25 years definitely loved the ATF. YEP...:48: haven't seen it around for a long time now...
I want to try some !-- I'm like Mikey I wanna try some of everything !-- I take it I should put it on my list ?
Morning all, cooler day here with some rain, gonna let the last cold front for the year do its thing and then summer will be here.
we have 16" of snow in 12 hours tomorrow glad i plow sucks for the rest of peoples lives up to 4" a hour LOL
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