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What up Hippy ? --U need more room so U can start more seed and more plants ?-- I know it's a sadness among growers ---We NEVER have enough room !-- It comes with the Variety Chasing Disease -- You'll always be chasing some variety and always wish U had just a little more grow area --No matter how much room U got !-- Like I said -- We don't got weed stores in Texas so I had grow me one !-- I keep'm small so I can keep more plants !-- It's working for me so far !
Morning all easy day today .nursing a cold ..
Rose glad that your Sisters surgery went well.
More rain here today.. would be nice to have a day of Sunshine....
Oh well :48:
Most of my timers are electronic so they account for it automatically.
Does anyone change thier timers with daylight savings time?

I am running 24/7 on my veg. This gives my garage a little extra heat in winter.
Not going to bother with the flower rm.
Yes I adjust the timer for daylight savings time. The plants don't care, but I do. Good morning OFC. Even though I have a few moms and clones to run, I too am popping beans of 10 different varieties.
I got 2 sets of timers -- My pumps timers which are 15 minutes on --15 off so it don't matter what time they set at !-- I didn't change my timers last fall so I think I let them stay like they are !-- I veg 18/6 ----6 am --thru midnight !-- Bloom --It was lights on at 8 am --off at 8 pm ! -- The timers off about half hour but the plants don't know !-- I'm have to start thinking about bigger timers !- I'm running the 4 lights in bloom thru a single 7 dollar timer - Pretty much the same in veg too !-- Them caps be kicking in !-- Whoa Nelly !-- Open the Chute !
Good morning OFC! Just a lyrical reminder! I always work on "fall back" time! So, I'll be there 13 hours instead of 12. First of 3 nights went nicely. I think I made a great job choice. Gotta get some sleep now; hope you all have a good day.

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Who really knows what time it is anyway !-- Good Night D.D. !-- 9 am and I say good night ? -- See time is a strange thing !-- Sometimes it goes real slow !-- Sometimes it goes way to fast !-- Wonder how long it will really take me to finish this pipe ? -- Let's see ?
I got a oil cartridge that I think I burned the heating element out !-- Gotta figure out how to get the oil out and into a good cartridge !-- When they work they can't be beat but I got frustrated last night trying to get it go work !-- I fix it !-- Not right now !-- I'm way to high !
Went and took inventory, I do not have a problem yet. only 18 variety's with a total of 125 beans. Heck I should round that up to 20.
Hippy also need to shop for a vaporizer. My wife's has me High as
Hey guys. My wife has been sick, I stayed home from work with her yesterday. Trying to get real food in her belly to build up strength. Kraven I hopen you get your pickle sorted out. I used to adjust for time change last time I just left them alone. So now I am back on track. Lol. I had a ballast start failing so I swapped out to a magnetic 400 hps. It's a warranty failure and I should have a new one by mid week. I added a timer to veg and plan to cut back to a 20/4 schedule. I tried 18/6 last year and saw a lot of stretch. Trying to cut down on power usage.
Mr cane. You did an excellent job.
YD, my pickle will sort itself out given time. Just a tough place to be mentally atm, I like and respect both parties and can see the issue from both points of view. I just wont take a side because I don't have a dog in the fight. I may loose friends because they feel I'm not "with them on this". Sadly if that does come to pass, it will only serve to reveal friends and those whom I associate with. I learned a long time ago that it's hard to hear what people are saying for what they are doing. I just don't believe that I will loose friends over whatever seems to be the ongoing issue. I mean who the eff looses friends over not choosing a side when you just don't have a dog in the fight. I have spoken enough on this private matter, this is not my conversation to have.

Got the bench built, now to get to pressure washing :)
Best wishes Kraven !-- I got 2 of 2 BBSL to germ ! -- Also got a single fem. Nightshade and it germed !
3 of 4 Bubba's Momma -- What else ? -- The Delta Wave and Black Kush won't germ !-- I give them some more time but nothing yet !-- Oh something called(fem ) Mazar -e- Shariff I think 2 for 2 germed so we be seeing what it is !

Dog hope the wife gets well soon !-- Take care of her !
Kraven we not supposed to talk about it but I would imagine your problem is the same one that has divided America worse than it has ever been divided !-- I don't see a way that this is resolved peacefully and in a uniting way !-- Which is what the country desperately needs !
I'm trying my best to keep my opinions on the subject to myself but it is a hard thing to do !
Good morning everyone hope everyone is off to a excellent start think I'm going to start my day with cracking a couple nightshades and trying my luck again with a couple nurse Larry's
What up Bud ? -- Mane next 2 weeks we gonna have 100,000 + Spring Breakers descending on my little town !-- Lots of locals pack up and leave till it's over! --They made a big bust last week of some of that imitation weed trash stuff !-- I can't believe people would even smoke something like that !- They like imitation pot ? -- I show'm God with this sheet I got !-- Just turn me loose boss !-- Put me in coach !-- Blow the dam whistle or something !-- I want to play !
My oldest Shiti-Tzu girl -- Princess Ginger Lilly -- She allowed me to take her on a scooter ride this morning !
I never seen a scooter with a side car but it would be safer that that baby thing strapped to my chest with her in it !-- Side car on a scooter ? -- This might require a couple control blazes to figure -- out !-- How U spring a side car ? -- I suppose U would want to !-- 2 point connection ? -- Maybe with easy on easy off attachment !--

I could just tie a red wagon behind the scooter ? -- No !-- I tied a red wagon behind a 1,000 lb. Here ford steer one time when I was young didn't turn out well if I remember right !--Got to think about this !
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