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Good morning everyone glad to hear it sounds like everyone is off to an excellent start :48:
More coffee and another toke or 2 ?--
Giggy -- The lights coming to your house !-- They can all be fixed easily too !-- I got a couple my Mars Hydro to fix first -- But I might be able to fix them before I ship them !-- D.D. likes her new job so far !-- Tonight be her 1st weekend night shift on the unit she'll be working !-- She thought she wanted to step away from intensive care for awhile -- Didn't work out so well !-- She back doing what she do best !
She one them high dollar nurses but it wasn't always that way !-- When we met she was a unit secretary at the hospital where I worked !-- Shortly after we started seeing each other --I had to do CPR on a dying patient and screamed for help and little D.D. was around the corner and came to help !-- When she came in the door and saw what I was doing she froze up and I had to scream at her !-- I really didn't want her to see me doing stuff like this !-- I don't think she ever froze up again !-- She did CPR at a Christmas party on year !
We lightening rods !-- Things that don't happen in the real world --happen to us !--
I used to be a surgical assistant --- Now I'm a pot farmer !-- I had one of those identity crisis things working for years !-- That question about what am I ? -- Somehow I got a new identity and I'm just fine with it !--I also make some liquor cause it pleases me !-- Can U tell how high I am yet ?
For the next golden ticket grow, I decided to increase the bag size to 7 gal. They really want more space. Decreasing plant count to give them more room.
Good morning peeps.

i think there might be sun in the sky, i don't remember what it looks like. I have lots on my mind lately, one sister is in surgery and the other is busy dying. We all make choices about how we want to live our life... the good news is my dying sister has the best spouse ever. A couple of old lesbians that truly love each other...

sorry if that was way too much info..

WH, so glad you are on your way home.
Not at all Rose we're all good friends here and good friends are here to listen I sure hope that sun pokes through for you I know it's been pretty depressing here this is what our weather's been like for the last while I'm nothing but snow every time I look at the video cameras it's snowing outside


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Rose we live in the real world but if we were all alike it sure would be a boring place ! --
We should celebrate diversity !--Seems Society may have slid back some on that point but it'll work out !
Go Cane !-- She magnificent !-- I had to work for my girl !--Took me 4-5 attempts at germing the seed before I got one --One plant !-- It was a girl !
Still raining off and on round here !-- Been running the central air for days now -- I guess winter is over ?
I just dread throwing away three of their starts...I will be shutting down for a while....
Hey Bud what's that dash in front of 19 mean ? -- Is that like in Canadian numbers ?-- I don't speak Canadian U know ? --
Cane -- Rose can keep your lines if U want but seeds or clones I believe we can find U something tasty when U ready to fire the grow back up ! -- I send U some clones !-- I just put Kraven's return address on it and I'm in the clear !--
Kraven -- U know I'm playing !-- I don't roll that way ! -- I use the Crawford Ranch as a return addy !
Cane why the need to shut down brother, especially since you got such good looking girls? Rose, thats just awful you have that going on right now. I wish you and your family peace and tranquility. Keef I made a 5 year plan and now I just renew my license....but I can always find work if needed. Sounds like you and DD are headed down that road also. WH drive safe home brother, granddaughter needs to see paw paw. BL.....how do you stand the cold man? Umbra it has always been my goal to try to get less bud with more weight....sounds like your on a quest yourself.....good luck, the GT has the bones to hold some serious weight. Green mojo on an epic run my friend. Giggy, I'm just tickled to see you going to PT today....work hard and get 100%.....really glad your not in such pain anymore. I refuse to choose between 2 friends and I am afraid before all is said and done I may loose both....man I'm in a pickle and it's not even of my making......Here is some of the "yard work" I keep going on about ;)
Hey Bud what's that dash in front of 19 mean ? -- Is that like in Canadian numbers ?-- I don't speak Canadian U know ? --
Cane -- Rose can keep your lines if U want but seeds or clones I believe we can find U something tasty when U ready to fire the grow back up ! -- I send U some clones !-- I just put Kraven's return address on it and I'm in the clear !--
Kraven -- U know I'm playing !-- I don't roll that way ! -- I use the Crawford Ranch as a return addy !

Where you live it would be -16.6
Cane why the need to shut down brother, especially since you got such good looking girls? Rose, thats just awful you have that going on right now. I wish you and your family peace and tranquility. Keef I made a 5 year plan and now I just renew my license....but I can always find work if needed. Sounds like you and DD are headed down that road also. WH drive safe home brother, granddaughter needs to see paw paw. BL.....how do you stand the cold man? Umbra it has always been my goal to try to get less bud with more weight....sounds like your on a quest yourself.....good luck, the GT has the bones to hold some serious weight. Green mojo on an epic run my friend. Giggy, I'm just tickled to see you going to PT today....work hard and get 100%.....really glad your not in such pain anymore. I refuse to choose between 2 friends and I am afraid before all is said and done I may loose both....man I'm in a pickle and it's not even of my making......Here is some of the "yard work" I keep going on about ;)
your yard is looking amazing
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