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Well, I'm having trouble again. It's the tagging get confused. Oh, Well, time to go. Good Day.
I'll be glad when I get dont doing crap around my yard....man it looks good but I'm just plain tired of doing it....got one more flower bed to get planted tomorrow with a grassy ground cover and I will be done....then got to head to the bunker and get girls in veg up potted. Umbra how was your last cut/cure....hoping things are looking up for you man. Peace
Kraven it went well. All the rain was an issue. Small powder mildew infiltration from the rain. Still managed more than a lb per light and threw out a dozen or so plants. It takes me more than 1 grow to dial in a plant. I saw every mistake I made last time and I know I can do better. Running golden ticket again and think it will be a winner.
Sounds good, that my goal is 1 plus per light too. Glad the pm didn't catch you too bad. Man I hate PM.
Thanks Umbra !-- U probably told me before but U know how it is when smoking da dank ? -- Make U forget your own name !-- I was looking at a device and couldn't find anything about temp !
Howdy folks. Hope ya had a good day.
What up Keefer.
Hopper in da house !-- It's raining !-- I don't understand but my face is fine --No pain !-- Who knows why ? -- I ain't hurting I don't even need to know why !-- Just take them good days anytime I can !-- Took some clones
smoked some weed - Did some other stuff -- Smoked some more weed -- Think it's 4:20 ish -- Might better have a cup of coffee and smoke some more weed ?
Yeah Rose !-- Hope U having a good afternoon ! -- I been being all sorts of good !-- U know what's been going on politically and I haven't touched it !-- I wanted to so bad but I didn't !--

Hopper it's the wrong time of year for the Black Diamond and them Hempstead Watermelons but it does look like one !-- It's up out of South America !-- Thought I could get me a recipe worked out before those melons round here start coming into season !-- Get me a couple them blue barrels and-- Just kidding !--
Does the ATF know U don't have to have a still to make liquor ? -- Really good liquor ?
Evening Folks, Hope All are Well, Getting Over Working with DA's, Wife has the Vaper device out. Time to Fly.
My momma she said son --as ugly as U are --U might better learn to cook and feed yourself !

Potato Soup with Bacon and green onion ! -- I get by !
Momma said. You had better learn to cook, Not sure there is a women. That will put up with you. True Story.
Looks tasty Buddy
What up Hippy ? -- I bet U don't even eat potatoes !-- Ya'll use the same variety all the time or is there different kinds ? -- I cook southern just fine !-- I fry up bout anything and make it good !-- I been looking at that aero system thinking about a tomato plant !-- Wonder if there is a variety that I could just keep around ?-- Make tomatos all year long? -- I need to do some research ? -- I bet Hopper know what kind I want !-- Somebody knows something ? -- Would I grow them in veg or bloom ?
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