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What up Hippy ? -- I bet U don't even eat potatoes !-- Ya'll use the same variety all the time or is there different kinds ? -- I cook southern just fine !-- I fry up bout anything and make it good !-- I been looking at that aero system thinking about a tomato plant !-- Wonder if there is a variety that I could just keep around ?-- Make tomatos all year long? -- I need to do some research ? -- I bet Hopper know what kind I want !-- Somebody knows something ? -- Would I grow them in veg or bloom ?
It's one kind most of the time. It's Secret I Know Nothing.
Ha....sending pm's with someone who I can call....we are a funny people ;)
Can't be giving up top secret stuff Hippy !-- There is just so many kinds it's a shame that only a couple make up the majority of commercial products !-- The got them Purple one's and those Yukon Gold Bake up nice ! -- I'd eat Purple smashed potatoes !
Got to find me some kind of ever bearing tomato for the grow room and it's time to reup on stuff like basil, oregano,--Thyme -- I just buy me a pack of fresh herbs at the grocery and clone them !--
Kraven I don't even listen to my phone messages and I never answer my phone !-- I don't use it for that !-- I have a problem talking to a machine !-- It don't have to make sense but that's just the way it is !- U want to contact me U text me or send me an e-mail !-- D.D. doesn't even call me !-- It can be a real pain because most don't understand and think I'm just being an a** ! - but -- I'm pretty much over it ! It is what it is !
Some technology scares me !-- I followed a guy into the store the other day and apparently his shopping cart had really pissed him off !-- He was jestering in the air using 4 letter words and stuff !-- Back in my day if someone was walking thru a parking lot talking to some invisible entity we keep a little distance cause they ain't right !-- U can't tell anymore !-- He coulda been crazy as hell or he coulda had one them ear pieces like ya'll do !-- It's unnatural and spooky to me !-- Ya'll need to quit doing that !--
The nurse is looking pretty nice up there Keef. She is in a dispensary now, top shelf.. I am proud.
U should be proud Rose !-- Look at her ? -- She don't lie !-- Been meaning to ask U about something !-- Purple Haze ? -- I got a beautiful Purple girl and she stretches some !-- I got this other pheno don't got the purple and is not the same !-- She even looks different !-- I would like to know more about PH -- Can U give me any info ? -- The plain bushy one may be the jewel !
I though the green pheno was good too. I only grew those once. I will grow that again, i really liked it. They were both strong sativas.. Sorry, i don't remember much else. I am tickled you like her keef. she is a good girl. I do remember they tasted different. The green one got a nanner if i am thinking right. mojo man.
I tied a knot in the stem of the Hoe Berry Clones !-- That sativa do work me !-- Just got a text from D.D. trying to figure out what the terepene profile on the Nurse is !-- That's the Nurse's trick !-- Try to figure out that smell and she get all up in your brain fore U know what just happened !-- It's one of D.D.'s favorites !
I just don't got nothing that's not as good as the rest !-- They just different !-- Bud linked me to a video of a guy pressing some oil that I'm give a shot !-- I don't think the Nurse been in a hash oil cart yet ?-- U know how good it gonna be don't U ? -- The Nurse on steroids?
Morning friends. Pawpaw is going home today,,,yehaaaaaaaa
Broke my heart yesterday when i called my Wife. My Granddaughter thought i was on my way home. When i said tomorrow, ,she started crying. That hurts,,but i will give her big hugs when i get home.
Speaking of crying,,wheres Keef. :smoke1: Just messen wit ya Bro. Lol
Morning all, on the way to see the o'l hippy for a safety meeting this morning. Peace
Good morning OFC.....still rainy and cold here in the North West coast
WH glad that you are heading home
.Kraven gotta love a good safety meeting ...:48:
Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh !--
Dam I woke up high !-- That ain't happened in awhile !-- Hope I wasn't bad !-- Might have to do it all over again !-- Good Coffee !
Morning all. Up early transplanting still. Lots of plants, lol. Been warming up some and all the almond trees are in bloom. Bees are everywhere. Humming birds will be out soon. Rain has brought moles to the surface and dogs have destroyed the back yard. My compost pile generates tons of worms and the moles are feeding.
Giggy -- How's the shoulder healing ? -- Next week or so when D.D. is home I'll get those lights out to U !-- I'm sorry it's taken me so long !-- Them dam lights is coming to U !-- It's a matter of principle now !-- I said I would sent them and by God I am !-- Things just been screwed up lately !

It's low 70's and rain off and on just like yesterday !-- Umbra the central hummingbirds are on the way north !-- They come thru here twice a year !-- If I said the Whooping Cranes winter right over there -- would it pin point my location to closely ? -- So we might have a few birds -- The raptors --Hawks --eagles and other hunting birds come thru too !-- Wouldn't be surprised to see a Thunderbird making the trip one day !
Someone really needs to mow the weeds In my back yard !-- Not it !-- It's raining anyway !-- Meanwhile in the Batcave -- Weed is also growing well here !-- 6-8 hours trimming like Kraven - Bud and Umbra and others do is just too much trimming for me !-- Couple hours every couple weeks is working for me -for now ! -- I'm glad D.D. didn't get stopped running up the smugglers highway on her trip back to the apartment! -- She was so dirty !-- Stocking her bar with my homemade liquor and hauling a selection of fine weed !
I gotta start pressing some oil for her before she get a ticket !-- That's a big deal to me !-- There's places in Texas now that if U get caught with small amount U get a ticket !-- I could live in a world like that !
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