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I did not know I was creating a monster !-- I got this back pack thing that I turned around so the back pack was in front !-- I put Ginger ( D.D.'s favorite pup ) --in it and off we went on a scooter ride !-- She went to the beach -- Barked at another dog that didn't have a scooter !-- Good Times !-- She wants to ride but it's raining now !
Love it Bud !-- Bud porn in da morn !-- All sorts of color !-- That's how it's done right there !
Thanks buddy I think I'm going to do some research today on building some chillers at 500 bucks times five chillers that's expensive and I have an apartment size freezer sitting downstairs doing absolutely nothing so I think it might come in useful in this project
I don't know Bud !-- Wanna just wait and bat some names around !-- ( Strawberry Feels ? )

See what I did ? -- I told U I need to be supervised !-- I plant sheet !-- Where am I gonna do with them ? -- Where am I gonna put them ? -- What's the plan ? -- I don't do that planning stuff so good !-- I cross that bridge when I get there !

Go get them Keef. I'm excited for you and DD. Go with the flow. OH, Keef, I do not want to have clones come to the house. I'm a scary cat. I do Thank You though. Got my three glass pipes going this morning. I be stone. Well, it's time to clean out the frig. never did get to it yesterday. It's not so bad after you get started. And, I love the feeling I get after it is done. :48:Yes, that hit the spot.
bud i thought of that too. have a res for cooled water and a pump to pump through coils placed in the fridge, freezer and use the cooled water in the coils to run to another set of coils in your res. thats my idea in my mind. may not be correct.
keef, we had a little dog growing up, she loved to take rides on the dirt bike around the neighborhood. I want to get a sidecar one day, i'm sure my pitbull would love to ride. she loves car rides, and all my dogs have this "thing" about me riding a motorcycle. it gets them revved up all crazy like.
Looks like I got some pretty nice colour out of that BB King



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Bud there look good. Looks like a XMas tree. When, I get up and running, I was thing of making a wall out of mason jars fill with mj, then, I thought what if they fall. Be all over but the crying. I read some were that this guy buried his jar out in the back yard. It's got me thinking to do the same thing. Does anyone no how long it takes to cure to the end. So, I do not have to burp those jars anymore? 2nd glass pipe, it's a cone glass pipe. You have to shoot it up into the air to take a hit. Hit:bong2: Nice hit though.
bud i thought of that too. have a res for cooled water and a pump to pump through coils placed in the fridge, freezer and use the cooled water in the coils to run to another set of coils in your res. thats my idea in my mind. may not be correct.
keef, we had a little dog growing up, she loved to take rides on the dirt bike around the neighborhood. I want to get a sidecar one day, i'm sure my pitbull would love to ride. she loves car rides, and all my dogs have this "thing" about me riding a motorcycle. it gets them revved up all crazy like.

YD aren't dogs neat? The sleeping position they get into. LOL. And, the way the act is so funny some times. I could go on about doggies. Sure hope you get the sidecar. Have a Good Day.
hey ness, yeah dogs are sure fun. I love my dogs. i'll get a sidecar one day, not in a hurry. not going to be spending any money unless i have to.
my Apollo digital ballast is messing up, the cooling fan is failing. its still under warranty, and i will be sending it back tomorrow, rep said they would mail a new one out. that is a load off me, i did not want to buy a new 1000 watt ballast when i am scaling down in three months. so now i will still be able to run my next set under 1k light, then scale down like i had originally planned. in the mean time, i will run a 400 and a 250 hps magnetic ballast until my new ballast comes in.
Just took some pictures of the pups, they are 4 week old. Now, let see how good I remember how to post them.:bong2:
Dog I'm scale back too --- but no time soon !

Bud -- Just some 411 on that Strawberry Rhino boy U got !-- The father was a Strawberry Ice from a family farm in Jamaica -- The mom was a White Rhino from a commercial outlet ( in other words I don't know where he got her )-- It was bred in Illinois by a one handed pot farmer !-- The quality will be there !
Keef I noticed the pollenSack have quite a pink colour to them
Morning Ness !-- If U afraid to catch clones I understand !-- Maybe I should just round up a selection of fine seed for U !-- I know some people send flowers or cards telling someone to "Get Well Soon" !-- Maybe I find U some seed make U want to get well soon ?
I'll have that plant back in veg this evening !--She too far gone to breed her right now !-- It don't have to be very big to get all the seed we want !- -I was wondering if there might be something else might work well with that S.R. pollen ?-- I got other berries ? -- Widow ?
Have to ask Umbra what he thinks that Strawberry Rhino would work well with! -- He bred most of the moms I'll have ready !
I'll have that plant back in veg this evening !--She too far gone to breed her right now !-- It don't have to be very big to get all the seed we want !- -I was wondering if there might be something else might work well with that S.R. pollen ?-- I got other berries ? -- Widow ?

I put some of it on my white widow yesterday but I think I was way too late
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