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A group of these plant will be in 14 hr light cycle. In Nature you might say. I seen reveg outdoor it not pretty.
Got the car inspected !-- Only took 3 Trips this year !-- Stopped a the store on the way home for supplies I can't haul on the scooter !-- 2 big a** watermelons jumped into my cart while I wasn't looking !-- $4 each !
I figure a gallon of fruit brandy might be worth a bit more than the cost of the fruit and sugar ! -- This be my first run using Watermelon instead of bottled Watermelon Juice !-- How much a quart of shine go for up in the mountains Nick ? -- U know how to set up a blind drop ?

Ness U might want to shut the grow down while U recover from the total knee operation !-- U not gonna be able to do much for U recover !-- U get back on your feet maybe Uncle Keef get U some clones ready if U want ? -

I got no way to regulate the temp in my boxes !-- We keep the temp in the house at 76 year round -- I had a heat problem at one time !-- Submersible pump creates heat as it works !-- I started with about 6-8 gallons of nute water per box !-- It hit 80 and I got slimed !-- Kept increasing the amount of nute water per box and the temp leveled out !-- I run about 12 gallons of nute water now !-- Temp stays close to 76 -- Water level drops and pH goes up !-- pH goes up the new leaves get light colored so I see light green colored new growth ? --I know my PH is climbing --Probably because the water level has dropped-- which warms it up --which locks out O2 and some nutes !-

Evening OFC.

Keef right, now, I am not grow anything. I sure am looking forward in starting one. I got a few buds of Hippie's Dawg drying. Going to smoke that in one day. :bong2:
trimmers have finished. smoking some of the golden ticket. taste is lemon/lime Sprite soda
trimmers have finished. smoking some of the golden ticket. taste is lemon/lime Sprite soda

That sounds like some excellent tasting stuff man glad to hear it turned out excellent
Here let me hit that Umbra !-- See what U got there ?-- I am a professional pot head !--

5 gallons of Watermelon wine is mashed in !-- This gonna be good !
Yarddog, I don't mind paying a little bit more, Prog. treated me real good when I got totaled a few years ago. I have all my Bikes insured for replacement cost and the Shovelhead is valued at $34,000 . I pay $700. a year for the 3 of em, a Shovel, a Dyna and a Sportster.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Time to get your swerve on !--
Nick it was International Womens Day -- They were just drawing attention to women's issues !--- They believe they have a right to make thier own decisions and stuff !--
I'm stop right there !-- It gets political and I'm not gonna stir sheet up today !--
Have a good day ya'll !-- We gonna be in the high 70's and muggy !--
My plan today !-- Get High --do stuff -- Get High again !-- It's a work in progress !
Lights be about to come on at 8 am !-- See what's what back there !-- D.D. ordered me a label maker !
She was not impressed with my organizational skills but quality was not an issue !
Bud I got one those Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel about a week away from harvest -- I'm gonna take it a few days early and reveg the bottom end -- When the pollen gets here I'll put her back in bloom and we make some Strawberry Seed !-- Sometimes this alphabet soup -x- alphabet soup stuff confuses me !
Bud what cha gonna call it ? -- Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel ---X---Strawberry Rhino ! -- It is our first international breeding !--It gonna need a name Cuz !
Bud I got one those Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel about a week away from harvest -- I'm gonna take it a few days early and reveg the bottom end -- When the pollen gets here I'll put her back in bloom and we make some Strawberry Seed !-- Sometimes this alphabet soup -x- alphabet soup stuff confuses me !
Bud what cha gonna call it ? -- Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel ---X---Strawberry Rhino ! -- It is our first international breeding !--It gonna need a name Cuz !

I'm not too sure what to call it man what do you think would be a good name
I don't know Bud !-- Wanna just wait and bat some names around !-- ( Strawberry Feels ? )

See what I did ? -- I told U I need to be supervised !-- I plant sheet !-- Where am I gonna do with them ? -- Where am I gonna put them ? -- What's the plan ? -- I don't do that planning stuff so good !-- I cross that bridge when I get there !

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I don't know Bud !-- Wanna just wait and bat some names around !-- ( Strawberry Feels ? )

See what I did ? -- I told U I need to be supervised !-- I plant sheet !-- Where am I gonna do with them ? -- Where am I gonna put them ? -- What's the plan ? -- I don't do that planning stuff so good !-- I cross that bridge when I get there !

What is that black crush that sounds extremely tasty
i harvested another potluck from umbra a few weeks ago. no cure yet. but smoke is better than the first harvest. the first thing i notice about this strain, is how smooth the smoke is on the inhale. if you are not careful, you can get way too greedy and get a good coughing fit. has a light flavour, i love to smoke a joint of it. gets me zooming, and the smoke is light not a heavy musty smoke three tokes and i am good. gives my muscles an electric kinda feel, body feels light and quick.. mostly my arms and chest, legs. gives a good head high, but still alert and attentive. the only way i can feel it weighs me down is my eye lids, gets me droopy eyed. . makes me want to move around, i must say, i am a fan of it, whatever it is. can't put a finger on the smell, my wife does not like the way it smells. it is not offensive, but not a sweet smelling flower. has a dirty musty smell. glad she does not like it,, more for me!!
Umbra said he didn't know what it was anymore, only it was speedy. he ain't lying!!
Good morning OFC. Time to clean the garage and start transplanting the next batch of clones and do it all over again. Golden ticket and maybe chisel this run.
Bud It's outta Umbra's Bunch -- First 4 seed wouldn't germ for me !-- I was wanting to work on my germ skills and asked Umbra if he had some old seed I could work on !-- That Black Kush ain't cooperating so far !-- I don't know if U wanna give it a try but I got quite a few GDP-X-B.R. seed -- They a tough nut to Crack !-- Took me about 40-50 seed to get one to germ !-- It was a girl !-- That Delta Wave is a problem too !
YD glad those turned out well for you. Some real treasures and keepers in those beans. Keef keeps finding great plants in some of those other beans as well.
Jess I have !--- Soon the hard part of reducing the number of BPU crosses -- I've even considered combining some blood lines to reduce the number of things like the B.B. King -- Blue T.E. and GDP - BPU --
They all blueberry !
Looks like I got some pretty nice colour out of that BB King



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