Afternoon OFC. Keef happy to see u. Having a slow start. Here it is afternoon and it seems like I just got up. Hello vtweed, come on aboard. Are you growing?
start to finish in a solo cup outrageous,,,,,i think I need to buy a new timer or maybe someone could explain the one I have to me ,,,,,ive had the timer for well over a year (never had a problem with) ,,,,last night I went to the bathroom only to find the lights in my big girls room was still on ,,,,there is a buttom on the timer that says RANDOM for some reason it keeps coming on ,,,I have the timer set to go on at 6am and off at 545 pm,,,,last night it was still on at 830,,i checked the settings on the timmer and it was wright on at 6 off at 545 the only thing that was not right was the fact that the random setting was on,,,why in heck would you want your lights to go on and off randomly ,,,maybe ill just buy a new timer