Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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We all headed to the beach this Thursday in the motorhome...Momma needs to get away so off we go...Anybody have a WiFi cam on their grow? They are automated and I wouldn’t be able to correct anything while I’m gone but I still like looking in on them from time to time...
Morning OFC
Still down in the face !-- I be better when I get better !
Must have given myself a talking to while I was sleeping !
If U got a 100 gallon submarine still sitting out in the middle of a pot patch ?-- U ain't right !-- Some people afraid of getting in trouble for speeding and look at U ?-- For the record I don't got a still or a patch of weed right now but the attitude hasn't changed !-- How does this happen ?- I think Lady Gaga got it right ?-- Baby I was born this way !
Cause it don't feel wrong to me !

Edit : -- I'm beginning to think I ain't da only one in Texas likes a little weed ?-- Last count there was 50 mmj bills for the Texas congress to consider this session !--
Let'm have it !
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Good morning Keef, OFC. Working on this bowl and coffee in hand. Plan on working outside for a while.
Hey Ness - Won't be no outside work today looks like an off and on drizzle day !-- My battle with the face pain took a lot out of me -- I'm getting better -It seems ?-- So I'm be a couch potato -Listen to some music - Have some CKN noodle soup and try to heal up some today !-- Made me up some more tincture and I'm holding my own and not hurting so much !
Total fail on a half hearted attempt at trolling -- They didn't know the story of Budica and how the warrior woman bled the Roman Army !
Must be The weed ?-- Mighta took a tiny bit too much tincture or was it the pipe ?-- Anyway where was I ?-
good moning friends ,,,,,,well I got my job back with a 1 dollar an hour raise and a 500$ gift card,,,l I went to lunch with the VP of production for the whole south east ,,,right off the bat he wanted he to know that ive let the company down and they feel very disappointed in the fact that I walked off the job,,i should have called someone to let them know what an asshole this guy was being ,,after all ive been with them for over 10 years and the dude only 1 year (to be honest I kinda agree ,I should have thought it out better)they feel in holding the company hostage ,,,,the dude has since been released from his job(see ya buddy)anyway I was told the company will reevaluate the way it handles collage hires(a collage hire is a person they hire straight from collage with very little real work experience,,,they hire them call them managers and fill there head with bs)I was told if return to work I will be a trainer ,,It would be my job to train new line workers (they plan on hiring 2 ) only problem is it would be done on the overnite shift 10pm till 6 am ,,,,I'm ok with that ( I can drive my boy to school everyday) so he tells me about the 1$ an hour raise plus the 500$ gift card he makes sure to tell me its for 10 years of loyal service and not a ransom payment ,,,,at that moment I knew I was done ,,,my days were numbered I would be training my replacement ,,,,on a side note the vp told me I was bold to pick berns steakhouse for lunch(the best steak house in all fla,,,if not the country )he said I have hutsba (what ever that is)anyway the check shows up 425 $ plus tip 3 people ,,,,,,,best damm porter house ive ever had ,,,,,I start back tonight ,,,,I'm thinking they will sack me as soon as the 2 new people are trained ,,,,,live and learn right ,,,also I told my lawyer what happened he said go back to work ,,, I feel ive won the battle but I'm about to loose the war ,,,,,,,,,,,,zig
Good for you Ziggy. I went through the same thing 7 years ago when I retired. Take everything that's offered but plan for the future
Good morning, guess what, it is SNOWING. hard. I am off to see those kids i picked up at the dispensary. They have interviews and the bus stop is 25 min away. and it is snowing. lol They picked a heck of a place to come to get clean. re , have fun, nick, whatcha going to do????? Keef, love ya man. keep on. Umbra, how are you doing? Ziggy, you got this. Ness, i am actually jealous of you working in the yard. enjoy.
Zig --Use this time to find a better job !-- This is only temporary -- Sunshine came for a minute so I went to the little store and picked some stuff !-- This bout with my face took more out me than I knew that was a struggle !
I guess I should medicate myself -- One those mind benders told me one time I needed to quit medicating myself -- Silliest thing I ever heard-- Who would do it if I didn't ?
Never walked a day in the real world in his life what da **** does he know ?
Nick my hero !-- Po-po busted him and he went down to get his chit back !-- I think they should give half the weed back too !-- Pay for them lights and chit too !-- and stay dahell away from the holler !-- Tell'm Nick !
Hey Rose !
Zig -U got a son to take care of don't be like Nick !-- Stay dahell away from da cop shop ! -- I don't trust them !
Raining again !-- Made my run at the right time !-- Took me some more of that tincture and I might live ?-- mid 70s and mostly wet at the beach !-- Not stopping the tourist there was a line at the beach entrance I passed !-- It's OK to drive on the beach but watch where U going it's not OK to drive over the tourist !-- Every year it happens -- More than once -- Somebody laid out on the sand getting some rays and gets run over by somebody watching some tiny bikini instead of where they going !-- Like a speed bump !- Mostly it don't kill them but bust them up some !-- I think we had 3-4 last year ?
Good morning ofc...hope all works in your favor Zigg...Don’t let the bastards get you down...Jozi gets a shot today, couple months she be gettin fixed too...they say a chance of showers today, I think they’re wrong...
You all have a great day!!!
In case you guys thought i was kidding.
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