Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Umbra gave me a goal when he was toying with the idea of those 10,000 clones -- I want that capacity one day just to say I did it !-- What I got in mind though is 4 part rotation with about 25 plants in each part !-- Then 50 -- Then 100 !-- Depending on available space -- The key to it is having a veg that can feed it !-- The weed must flow !
Texas doesn't change to some kind of mmj or something this session Ole Keef might just bounce on outta here ?-- We'll know soon enough ?
60s and heavy fog at the beach today -- They got lucky last night -- I fell asleep and didn't unleash the wooly bugger fog monster on them -- Be a lot more crowded next weekend ?
Hey Nick, here they are a week later with the grow lights off and just some room light for the photo...I may go ahead and put the solo cups into some larger cloth pots and then let them set a couple days before removing the cups...I usually cut the bottom out and plant the whole cup, then I’ll cut down each side and remove the cup a half at a time...My cloth pots are a few grows old so I think I’ll give’m a good soak and wash first...
Shark Shock is showing off it’s Indica nature...
RE--Ever thought about just cutting the bottom out the cups and let the roots grow down to your res ?-- They will if U take them off that board !-- Kinda like my boxes except U drip -- I spray the roots !-- The roots reach the nute water soon enough -- Last year during hurricane Harvey -- I lost power for a week and was gone -- I lost a few fresh cut clones but the rest were still alive and fairly healthy when I got back -
RE--Ever thought about just cutting the bottom out the cups and let the roots grow down to your res ?-- They will if U take them off that board !-- Kinda like my boxes except U drip -- I spray the roots !-- The roots reach the nute water soon enough -- Last year during hurricane Harvey -- I lost power for a week and was gone -- I lost a few fresh cut clones but the rest were still alive and fairly healthy when I got back -
I tried that hydro DW thing with the roots in the res...a couple times...didn’t work for me...My res is actually under that black tub with just a small drain tube between the two, so the roots would have a ways to go to get there...because I’m growing in a cabinet, having the res inside the box gives me sky high humidity which is prolly fine for seedlings and veg but not so for flowering...I lost a few buds last time to rot so I’ve better isolated the res this time around...now my humidity is much more in control...
Good morning all. Sunny and cold still lots of snow. nice to see the sun though. Umbra, you are such a showoff. I am just glad to know ya. I couldn't grow a plant in a keg cup to save my life. really. coolness.
I am gonna take a nap, you'll carry on..
Morning Miss Rose !-- Have a sunny one !- After a nap !
I agree Umbra is a show off but I'm glad to know him !
Keep on keeping on Umbra !--
We got a wilted plant over in East Texas -- My advice ? chit happens start a chit load more seed !-- Keep and grow what works best in your situation !--
RE -- That humidity thing is why I keep all water covered
-- helps keep humidity stable -- I blow fresh air thru the roots with that bubbler !-- RH stays at about 50% - Little low but it works well enough !
All the plants I have in the closet and tent are in solo cups. Yes Keef they are top heavy and fall down all the time. I deliberately stress plants that I want to breed with to see if they will hermi. One of stressors I use is too get the plants severely root bound while flowering. One of the ways to make feminized seeds is to severely prune the roots, and the plant will reverse sex.
I figure being able to survive the way I grow is stress enough !-- I grew whole crops in aerocloners that were never designed for that!-- I wanted them like they are for later !
This is later !-- Now I need to come out the cloners into a secondary veg container -- 4 or 6 inch aero baskets with baked clay balls is the plan right now -- Transfer 2 inch aero basket with rooted plant right into a larger basket with the clay balls as added weight on the bottom to keep them from falling over -- veg them for a month or so more to get settled into the new container then pull them out a veg grow hole and move the plant to a grow hole in bloom -
That will be where it stays until harvest !-- Unless I decided to move it to another grow hole for some reason -- pumps timers -tanks and pipes- It gets confusing ?-- All this so Other Keef don't have to be shoveling chit ?-- I'm holding out for a bobcat before I do some dirt farming !-- Shovels bad ! -- motors good !-- I wonder if they got a seat belt ?- I would need one !
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Well, got’m into 2 gallon pots and thats where they will stay till harvest...I’ve removed the bottoms of the cups and in a few days or a week, I’ll cut out the rest of the red cups...So we be off into veg till the cabinet gets full enough and then we flower...when the time is right, I’ll add a scrog net or some such to help spread the canopy out and keep it kinda uniform...
Everything is fem except the NLxV, So I’ll take some cuttings and flower them...I haven’t done that before so this is a first for me...Add honey to the shopping list...

It's on now !- Just a matter of time -- U better put that NL -x- V up front where U can watch it ?-- They look great !- I got some those NL -x- Val seed keep me posted !
Miss rose keef?
good morning. I didn't sleep, i bathed instead in a cana bomb woohoo. It is 32 degrees at this rate the snow should be gone by May.. Umbra, i figured that sure is a good way to stress a plant.
Why have i wasted all this time bitching when i should have been spring cleaning the house.
Oh update, they put the little boy on cbd only for one day and took him off of ours, he had a seizure the first night... don't wanna say i told you so but i thought so. Isolated cbd is bs. They are just giving people pot lite. ya know? sheesh.
Rose -- They got 50 mmj bills before the Texas congress if the would just kick one out of committee- Just pick one !
We working on getting me off the beach and over to East Texas soon ! -- There's weed needs to be grown !
I ain't even playing that CBD only game !-- I know what works for me and I am one messed up individual !-- Not to be confused with "Individual #1 " !
All the plants I have in the closet and tent are in solo cups. Yes Keef they are top heavy and fall down all the time. I deliberately stress plants that I want to breed with to see if they will hermi. One of stressors I use is too get the plants severely root bound while flowering. One of the ways to make feminized seeds is to severely prune the roots, and the plant will reverse sex.
So let me ask. Isn't stressing it to hermi the same as making it hermi with chems?
So if it doesn't hermi while rootbound its a keeper. Then you prune the roots to force it to hermi?
I didn’t have breakfast this morning, just went from coffee’n a Doob, to working on the garden...
So now for some brunch in the afternoon...

First thing this morning, I go outside and it’s nice and bright, blue sky and sun with just a couple clouds but cold cuz it’s March...now here we are just after 4 and it’s frikkin rainin again...I’m tired of it I tell ya...
Let me get my fork and get a taste of that ?-- I been fighting a face ache all day -- It was 60s and fogged in tight this morning -- Been Overcast almost all day !-- Been talking about hauling the rest of my grow stuff to East Texas -- help the nephew set up a grow while we get the house market ready -- I kinda want to set up a whole new grow and my lights are getting old ?-- I got some ideas bout this and that I want to try ?-- One of them mmj bills pass it's a whole new ball game !--
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