Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Sun came back out !-- Makes me cold just looking at that Rose !--My yard is a wreck and a good man would be out there taking care of it !--I got the dishwasher ran a cleaned up some !-- Last time I got sick like this soon as I could I jumped up and started on the yard - I don't know if it was pollen or what but but me back down with a relapse worse the the first bout !-- I'm a fraidy cat !-- I guess I'm just feeling guilty for not jumping up and going back at it !
I think it's best lay up a day or so take my vitamins and eat right -- Still kinda drained !-- See what I got ?-- Olive oil tincture of Marijuana !-- 2 teaspoons rock your world so I take a tablespoon !--
Got that covered Rose !-- Other Keef took another dose of this magic elixir ?-- Not so sure we could even find the yard ?-- Lost a dam pipe somewhere ?-- and where's my lighter ?
I could probably go for a drive on the beach but they got all them speed bumps ?
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good moning friends ,,,,,,well I got my job back with a 1 dollar an hour raise and a 500$ gift card,,,l I went to lunch with the VP of production for the whole south east ,,,right off the bat he wanted he to know that ive let the company down and they feel very disappointed in the fact that I walked off the job,,i should have called someone to let them know what an ******* this guy was being ,,after all ive been with them for over 10 years and the dude only 1 year (to be honest I kinda agree ,I should have thought it out better)they feel in holding the company hostage ,,,,the dude has since been released from his job(see ya buddy)anyway I was told the company will reevaluate the way it handles collage hires(a collage hire is a person they hire straight from collage with very little real work experience,,,they hire them call them managers and fill there head with **)I was told if return to work I will be a trainer ,,It would be my job to train new line workers (they plan on hiring 2 ) only problem is it would be done on the overnite shift 10pm till 6 am ,,,,I'm ok with that ( I can drive my boy to school everyday) so he tells me about the 1$ an hour raise plus the 500$ gift card he makes sure to tell me its for 10 years of loyal service and not a ransom payment ,,,,at that moment I knew I was done ,,,my days were numbered I would be training my replacement ,,,,on a side note the vp told me I was bold to pick berns steakhouse for lunch(the best steak house in all fla,,,if not the country )he said I have hutsba (what ever that is)anyway the check shows up 425 $ plus tip 3 people ,,,,,,,best damm porter house ive ever had ,,,,,I start back tonight ,,,,I'm thinking they will sack me as soon as the 2 new people are trained ,,,,,live and learn right ,,,also I told my lawyer what happened he said go back to work ,,, I feel ive won the battle but I'm about to loose the war ,,,,,,,,,,,,zig
chutzpah is a Yiddish word(German Jew) for having Nerve, to be feisty without violence. A set of brass balls, except that wouldn't apply to you, lol. I prefer the term Pluck.
Wellll,, just got back from the cop shop. Since they wouldn't return my calls I just went down there and camped outside the door until someone showed up! Then I sat there until the one I wanted showed up. Now, after all that I get to sit here on my arse and wait while that police ocifer drives his happy butt 65 miles each way to go git my stuff and bring it to me. I got patience but I can only be pushed so far.
Nick need a wheelbarrow to haul them cahones around !
U in they nest U better behave yourself !-- U might be able to take one or even 2 but they don't fight that way CUZ-- They not coming at U one at a time- If there's 20 ?- They all want a piece of U and U can't win !-- I just take my ass whooping like a gentleman --hand cuff me and slam my face into the hood of the car like U gonna do anyway and be done with it !-- I ain't fighting U !--- I don't want to talk to U either!
Sure! I'm always looking to make improvements.
I picked up a bottle of the Roots brand Buddha bloom nutes and I was wondering if anyone else had used them.
Phoenix city popo took 2 hand guns off me in a traffic stop.
Took months to get them back but I wasn't EVEN gonna let them butt heads keep my guns!
Put me thru the wringer but I Got em.
Yep right here, I used them. They were given to try. I liked them … I wouldn't buy them, lol. Too pricey to me, but they work.
Gloman I've only used Botanicare nutes -- I find it simple enough -- I use the same amount of thier pro-grow or bloom -- I use about 3 mils per gallon but that's spraying I guess it would work with any Hydro system ?- Umbra is in that promix but it got no nutrients in it so what he do is a type of water pharming too !-- I got some nutes in there somewhere if U want some numbers about what's in it to compare with what U got ?
I can't let it be. I got most of my stuff back a while ago but they still have 3 handguns. One is a Sig 220 in .45 cal. with a Seal trident in the receiver that was given to me when I retired. My guess is that one of the cops recognized it and wanted to keep it. I have had a lawyer involved from the beginning but I swear to ……. they are all in cahoots together.
Just thinking of going to the cop shop to get my car legal scares me - Them reflector sunglasses like they wear freak me out !-- I don't want nothing to do with them !-- Why was U running from me ?-- Cause U was chasing me !- Seems simple enough to me !
Making arrangements for a trailor to ship the grow equipment to East Texas soon --Growing weed on the river ! -- I'll be in an RV next to a gutted mobile home turning it into a grow !-- WI-x- BBSL and NL -x-BBSL are already up !-
Then Later we may put some axles under it and just haul the whole grow to the Stoner Ranch or not we'll see what happens - Like I told him if Texas goes MMJ it's a whole new ball game !-- If I had a chit load of auto seed this is when I would use them !-- Get a quick crop in before the indicas are up and running ?
Sounds like a plan Keef, wonderful!

Here is my tea recipe. I add the High P bat guano in flower and 1 cup of worm castings in veg.

This is for flower.

Molasses 1 tsp per gallon
Seabird guano (high in P) 1-2 Tbl per gallon
Liquid Kelp 2-4 Tbl per gallon 0-0-8
Azomite 2 tsp per gallon
Liquid bone meal 2-4 Tbl per gallon
EM1 1 tsp per gallon
I make 5 gallons at a time for outdoors and bubble with 2 airstones for 48 hours.
There you have it. This was amazing last year outdoor. I use the lower amounts at first and the full amounts during the last 4 weeks or so.
I can't let it be. I got most of my stuff back a while ago but they still have 3 handguns. One is a Sig 220 in .45 cal. with a Seal trident in the receiver that was given to me when I retired. My guess is that one of the cops recognized it and wanted to keep it. I have had a lawyer involved from the beginning but I swear to ……. they are all in cahoots together.
That sucks. I have little treasures like that too. In Iron Horse Mag, mid 80's, when Indian Larry was still a heroin addict, he built an Indian for this guy Top Hat in Bronx. The mag did issue by issue progress on the bike. Just as its built, Top Hat gets into a beef with someone on his street and gets shot. The bike disappears for 20 years and shows up on ebay in pieces. I bought the coolest part I could afford. Peeps been trying to steal for years. Its just some cast metal. I almost turned into a hood ornament for my IH Travelall. Now I have find a pix of it.
I think the slow drizzle is turning into rain --
Yep ! It's good to have a plan !-- I got the genetics and I knows some people who knows about setting up a grow and such ! -- Might just put me an easy chair and TV or some music in the grow and just spent most of my time there !-- It's got a roof and I got a window AC unit !--
More room than the RV ?-- Running a trot line in a kayak ?-- That'll be different !--I still have some questions like where we gonna put the still ? -
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