Seven days clones have been in the cloner, I think we took 10 or so or so (am going to be more vauge on numbers from here out). They have only shown bumps on a few. Most are Blueberry and a few Flo, I want to kill all the Flo (I have one in the garden who's days are numbered, with all the problems I had with these seeds,I am not gonna chance her turning he while I am not looking). I think I will, or give them to my brother, he has not had Hermi problems yet.
Not. Wouldnt do that, I dont think.
The clones starts were kinda small, am hoping for six to come thru with flying colors.
1. Today, the Garden got a well deserved face lift
. Water was plumbed from the faucet that gives the best preasure. The Drip System (along with all the particulars) hooked up in the Garden with a 25 foot hose on a Y.
2. New kind of containers we found at the hydro store yesterday after picking up the needed pipe. (saw some real nice indoor lights, one like our T5 priced way higher than we paid.) These are made of cloth, and "breathe" as the guy said (he also said they would "air prune" the roots, hummmmmm), they feel like felt. We will see if they are better than the larger hydro pots. We have put the extra soil from the worm casting/compost into one, and the other two have Happy Frog Soil one bag each, gonna have to get some more....and I thot our soil buying was done.
I am quite happy with the outcome of today's labor, mostly his labor.
I help as I can or am asked, otherwise I just kinda find something else to do like laundry.
I threw in the Wild Iris, there are clumps all round the house, very pretty. More like the Dutch Iris varity. The Iris are done here, wild or not.