@archtype111 Good question. I have never run into hermies from training a plant to much and I put a lot of stress on them from the very begining. More of a chance with heat stress and genetics for hermies. Or that's at least what Ive found.
A clone taken in flower is nothing new really. I learned all this from an old Australian grower years ago. The large clone above was taken at 3w into flower. This is the optimum time to take a clone. They will root and regenerate faster. Once they enter reveg stage ya end up with the example above. If taken at 3w flower they are usually ready to go by the time ya harvest it's mama. Can turn into a endless cycle if you want to grow the same strain.
Clones taken at a later date in flower are a little slower than the 3w ones but don't give up. They will root. It may take a month but they will root. Just change the tap water every other day or so. These ones I took at 8+ weeks flower have taken a month to root.
Yes, I do use
cloning gel. Rough up the stems, dip n into the jars.
Before this C99#2 goes into flower I'm taking a few cuts, dipping them in gel and throwing them in sealed bags and placing them in the refrigerator crisper. I wanna see if they can root and I will also have some without gel. No 45° cut, just a long stem. I want to see how long they will store. 6+weeks would be cool. I've not attempted it yet but from what I read once they are chilled they seem to make roots faster when warmed up. Some folks take clones normally and throw them in the crisper for a few days to chill before attempting to root. I dunno, something to play around with. It would be convenient to have a small fridge full of cuts.
Thanks for the comments and for stopping in. I'm just playing around now that I have a nice surplus of herb. I've been wanting to get back into the flowering clones but was to busy trying to get a fast harvest. All good now. I'm pretty excited to get this scrog underway. Ive set a goal of 19oz...damn that's a lot..