As you can see in the photos there are more burnt leaves, I took action and purchased some new soils. I also invested in a Ph test kit and Its first job was testing the current soil. I was shocked to see it was Ph 7.5 almost 8.
Its hard to find organic soils with no ferts added.
I purchased two bags, the first is searl's Kickalong potting mix which has Blood n bone, potash bloom booster, fish kelp.
The second bag is Searl's garden mix organic with no added fert.
I mixed 50-50 then tested the Ph which showed 6.5.
These were the only to pots I had around the house, at least they are black. I dropped the plants straight into there new holes and watered in. I did add just wee bit of charlie carp fert, barely enough to smell.
I hope i have don this right, or I will think about giving myself an uppercut.
Im more worried about the Jack Herer as I hear that one has great pain relief which is why Im doing this.
Photos of my Jack Herer and roots.