First grow for a newby

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Ok, thanks, I just did a quick search on your soil and it has nutrients in it that lasts for two months. That soil is not made for marijuana. It has burned your babies.
Do not transplant those into more of that. I understand money is tight for lots of people, but if your going to grow the best you can, you need to start out right with good soil. Fox Farm is a good line, I used the ocean forest for years. You don't give additional nutes for 4 weeks. If I was you and could do it, I would transplant those out of MG and into a better soil. Green mojo Stu.
In the land down under, we dont have many good soils to pick from. I was going to buy some mushroom compost, per lite or vermiculite or what ever the stuff is called, and maybe some coco cor or peat moss. What say you wise one?

Im going to go and buy that or what ever you recommend tomorrow, I need to save these girls.
You just need a good soil, not a MG product. What are your choices? Either you get a base soil and add ammendments or you buy something like fox farm. Is there a way we could see what our choices in soil is?
I didn't mean to come off like a wise one, as im pretty sure i am not.
Considering I know next to nothing, any experience advise is wise in my books. I can get hold of mushroom compost, worm castings, chicken crap that has been sitting for 2 months. I have cattle around my house so plenty of cow crap. Can I do anything with all that?
Yes but that has to be well rotted or you can be in trouble. Start a big compost with all that stuff for your next grow, that is all good stuff. There is lots of super soil recipes but those take time.

But for right now, what are your choices for these babies that are a little hot? Can you go on line to a store and tell me what you could get?
These are the most readily available.

Hortico 25L Garden Compost
Richgro 25L Organic Compost
Richgro 25L Organic Mushroom Compost
Naked Farmer 25L Organic Soil Activator
Tumbleweed Worm Farm And Compost Conditioner
Osmocote 25L Plus Organics Vegetable And Herb Mix
Sweet Garden 30L Soil Fix "This one looks good"
And thanks very much for your help everyone, especially you Rosebud.

As you can see in the photos there are more burnt leaves, I took action and purchased some new soils. I also invested in a Ph test kit and Its first job was testing the current soil. I was shocked to see it was Ph 7.5 almost 8.

Its hard to find organic soils with no ferts added.

I purchased two bags, the first is searl's Kickalong potting mix which has Blood n bone, potash bloom booster, fish kelp.

The second bag is Searl's garden mix organic with no added fert.

I mixed 50-50 then tested the Ph which showed 6.5.

These were the only to pots I had around the house, at least they are black. I dropped the plants straight into there new holes and watered in. I did add just wee bit of charlie carp fert, barely enough to smell.

I hope i have don this right, or I will think about giving myself an uppercut.
Im more worried about the Jack Herer as I hear that one has great pain relief which is why Im doing this.

Photos of my Jack Herer and roots.

Jack H.JPG

Jack Here.JPG

White Wid.JPG

Thanks heaps. Its a relief really, this site has been of immense help.

Just had a look at that, seems almost identical to the products I have. I will buy some just in case.

Do you think these plants will no recover??
I think your plants will recover but i am serious, don't feed for a while. After they start growing again and get a little bigger we can talk.:D
I hear you load and clear. Its funny, I checked them this mourning after the transplant and they have seemed to darkened up a bit, greener if that makes sense. They seem to have lost some of that yellow color.

Im guessing they aren't protesting about all those nuts in the soil. The new stuff has bugger all in it.

I also got rid of the tin foil which was very hot, heated the room up. I put them in another bedroom and placed some cardboard around them to stop the light from shinning out everywhere. The whole area is so much cooler now. I take it this would also be a good thing for the plants.

Lesson 1 grasshopper, always make sure your soil is spot on BEFORE planting.

I will post more photos next week.

Watered again today, opened the cardboard surround to be confronted with another big girl, a large huntsman spider. She is doing a great job of keeping all the pests at bay, besides I love all and any wildlife. She would stretch out to around 3 inches.

Well my green babies are looking so much healthier, greener and they are putting on weight. Let me know if I have missed anything or something needs doing. Cant tell you how relieved I am.





WOO HOOOOO you did it, you brought them back from the evil MG!!!! YAY Stufart!!!!!

Lesson well learned grasshopper. Don't they look so much better. I am so happy!
Scanning with your wise eye, do they look greener to you?
The yellow seems to have cleared up to a large extent.

Should I trim the dead bits off the leaves, or leave them on?

Im watering these every two days, would this be right?
Stu, my bud, don't water until the soil is dry to your second knuckle when you put your finger in the soil. They need to dry a little so the roots grow deep to where there is moisture. Overwatering will kill them. I don't know how hot your room is, but i would think every two days is too much.

Yes, they look greener!

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