First Closet Grow w/ CFL's Only

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Ok end of day 8 and some important observations/notes.

Well after yesterday about half the plants were looking pretty grim. I attributed this a few things: the high heat in the grow space, poor lighting (in reality enough lighting, but spread over too much space makes it too little...), starting seedlings in too small an area of dirt, and also under watering. I was only able to water them twice in one day yesterday. Once I gave them a few good doses today though most of the plants came back great, and some joined the rest that have bitten the dust. This is fine with me though as I only intended to keep a few past this point. I really had no reason to germinate this many seeds, and in doing so I only took up more sq. footage and starved all the plants of light. I would have been better off germinating less from the beginning and closing in the space more, which would have made the lighting situation better and more reasonable IMO. Still, closing in the area even more would potentially raise the heat factor even more which brings back up my wonders about cooling in a small space. I only have a basic fan to work with so I'm just doing what I can. I try to keep the door open whenever I can but you know how that goes.

As far as the amount of dirt thing... I carefully pulled up some of the sprouts that weren't going to make it, but actually made it to 4 healthy leaves at some point. The root system even on a plant this small (~5 days old after germination) was quite advanced, in fact taking up the entire small amount of space already. Now I'm no plant expert so I can't say for sure but I think that even starting them in so little soil is a pain. My hard personal evidence for this though is more of a convenience thing. With so little dirt I could only water the plant so much w/out suffocating the roots. Because of this I was having to water with less water, more frequently. As I have to sleep at night, and go to work during the day, those long periods of time would allow the plant to dry out quite a bit and get hot. This caused many of the plants to die out and not make it.... mostly in the smaller containers. In fact all but one of the sprouts that I started in the bigger pots are all looking great!

Tomorrow I am going to ditch most of the sprouts as many of them have passed away (I basically let them). I will be down to about 6 or so at that point so I should be good to go for a while. I'm going to rearrange the grow space as well to improve lighting conditions.

One question... is it too early to transplant? I'd like to get them all in at least the size pots that I have a few of them started in just to make things easier... but when I pulled up some of the near dead sprouts, the root system still seemed quite frail and breakable... many of the sprouts simply snapped at the stem (at the surface of the soil) leaving all the roots under ground. I would hate for that to happen to my healthy ones. =(

thats the thing with CFL;s you cant have to many plants with out starving others..and about the transplant i'd wait a week then transplant to a pot where it will remaind untill harvest. IMO.
Ok on day 10 I could finally barely see the third set of leaves, and today (day 12) I can definitely see signs of the third sets of leaves coming in on most of the plants. They even look pretty dang healthy. BUT, lets face it... it's day 12 and these should be wayyy farther into the growing process than they are so I'm about to just give up on this batch. I'm trying to find out exactly what all went wrong so that I can start over soon and actually succeed.
I would watch out for over watering, that might account for some of your plant death, they are only little girls after all. I would take out that 42 watt because its only really good for flowering because of the light it puts off. As for xplanting, probally about 3-5 inches might be a good time, but remember it shocks the plant, so the growth will slow for about a week. Just keep the lights on 24/0 and keep the watering down to a min, ive learned from others on the board only when dry, if they are moist they are ok. Good luck man!
Ok hey guys sorry it's been a while.

I got discouraged due to the plants growing really slowly, and just decided to go ahead and put them outside. To me the risk I was running wasn't worth it since it didn't seem like they would really work.

Well, since I put them outside I just let the rain water them since it's been pretty steady lately. In only a few days they grew more than they had the entire time in my closet. Some look pretty healthy and I'm getting up to 12 leaves on them!.. but they're still small imo. Anyways, I wonder if somehow they're already trying to flower which is why they took off?.. because they went from 24 hr inside to 14 hour outside.
Nice all of that will work
I am learnning myself and I am using 4 43watts and 40 4 footer 40 watts and my plants are doing just Great !! here a pix and it 1 month into 12/12 cfl..

Smelly Little females

1 month 002.jpg
I really like your setup flyinghigh with the side mounted flouros. I think I'm going to attempt to grow again but actually make a box with fans this time. Also I will not skimp at all but will still be a cfl grow! Time to get started and spend some cash this time... I want to grow lol!
i was just goin to wright on your fourm. keep up the grow dude..dont let that get you down
I really don't think heat was an issue. Those CFL's dont put out very much at all. I don't know what all problems you had. But the reason they were so tall and thin and whispy is because the lights were too far away from the sprouts from the very beginning, IMO. Get cool CFL's and keep them a couple inches from the top of the plant. This will make them grow nice and compact with very tight noding. Also, lose the lamps. You started way tooooo many plants for what you needed and had room and supplies for. Next time start 3 plants and take the fixture and put it over top of them. Take your remaining CFL's and find a way to mount them to the sides. Good luck in the future. :)

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