feminized male what luck

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2009
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so i got home from work this afternoon and checked on my plants.My "feminized" lowelife auto blueberry is a male.Paid like $17 for this seed from worldwidemarijuanaseeds.xxx i am so mad!! Should I just kill it now?And Will it do any harm if it dropped pollen if the rest of my plants aren't in flowering yet?Thanks
Hello Frank :)

If it were me I would use its pollen on a female to see what the seeds do.

If you dont want to try this, get it out now :holysheep:

Pollen is a beach, it gets everywhere and will stay viable for a long time.

Has it opened any of its pollen sacks?

When I went to work at 6am i checked my plants and saw nothing, at 4pm when i got home, it was covered in little sacks and the bottom most sack looks to have already opened.This is the only auto I have in my room.This is my first grow and it is mostly a mix of bagseed.I also have 1 supposed fem alaskan Ice that is only about a week old.All of my other plants are still in veg state.If the pollen sack did open would it affect a bunch of vegging plants?
The pollen can stay in the grow room for some time. It is like dust. It will get into every crevice (especially with a fan on) and come out and blow around at any time, pollinating your new crops and giving them seeds.

If it was me, I would take the male's pollen sacks/viable pollen and put them in a small air tight container. Hold onto it in the case you decide to breed. Get the male out quickly. Try and clean what surfaces you can in the grow room now, finish this crop, and then really clean out the room for next plants.

GOOD LUCK! Lotsa MOJO for you...hope all goes well!
I took it out the second I noticed.I would like to let it go and collect pollen my only problem is the thing is only like 2 weeks old and is no more than 4inches tall.So it is not easy to catch the pollen.If i snip the sacks off will i be able to open them and get the pollen b4 it is dropped?
also, do you think the site would do anything for me?This is really false advertising isn't it?
I'd be raising hell...if they care anything of there reputation they will fix it...if not your out the money and don't order from em again.
I emailed them when i got home but i wasn't sure of my order #.When i found it I emailed them a second time and gave it to them and also mentioned that i just posted on a well know forum about it and would be happy to tell everyone when they made good .So we will see what comes of it.I will let you know.
Thats too bad. I personally wouldnt want to bread with that pollen cause you really dont even know what it is. I almost ordered a couple single fem seeds from that site but now im kind of glad that I didnt. Im just going to stick to the old standard style seeds. Good luck and let us know what happens. They might end up sending you some freebies for the problems.
maineharvest said:
Thats too bad. I personally wouldnt want to bread with that pollen cause you really dont even know what it is. I almost ordered a couple single fem seeds from that site but now im kind of glad that I didnt. Im just going to stick to the old standard style seeds. Good luck and let us know what happens. They might end up sending you some freebies for the problems.
I hope they make good on it. Your right I don't really know what it is.I know it is auto flowering because it is only a few weeks old and 4 inches tall and already has sacks. Its so weird since early on it had little crystal type things all over the leaves looks like tiny pieces of sugar, thought for sure it was going to be killer weed and have no problems with it.
I hve had a fem auto seed show as male as well...got it from dope seeds.com

They did nothing for me...said fem seeds are not 100% guaranteed...also the stupid disclaimer says they are sold as souvenirs only....like they don't know we are growing them....
frankcos said:
I took it out the second I noticed.I would like to let it go and collect pollen my only problem is the thing is only like 2 weeks old and is no more than 4inches tall.So it is not easy to catch the pollen.If i snip the sacks off will i be able to open them and get the pollen b4 it is dropped?

I don't grow autos, but is it possible for it to have developed balls and dropped pollen when it was only 2 weeks old? It also generally takes some time between the appearance of balls and the release of pollen. Are you sure that what you are seeing is open pollen sacks?
The Hemp Goddess said:
I don't grow autos, but is it possible for it to have developed balls and dropped pollen when it was only 2 weeks old? It also generally takes some time between the appearance of balls and the release of pollen. Are you sure that what you are seeing is open pollen sacks?
If they are not then I am not sure what else would have sprouted and be hanging off the plant shaped like balls, with some of those little balls opened up.Auto seeds skip the veg state all together and go right to flowering so it is possible to show sex this early.i hope to hell it isn't a male but sure looks that way to me.No good cam yet or I would post a few pics
The Hemp Goddess said:
I don't grow autos, but is it possible for it to have developed balls and dropped pollen when it was only 2 weeks old? It also generally takes some time between the appearance of balls and the release of pollen. Are you sure that what you are seeing is open pollen sacks?

I do quite a bit of 12/12 from seed and the males show at 7 days sometimes and on top of it, they pollenate within 4 more days. I think that they must act a lot like auto's actually. btw, i have just cut them off en masse and kept them in a bag and they open in time and i use a brush and dap it on chosen buds. works just fine, so obviously some of them are mature rapidly enough to fertilize something. you don't have to go to the trouble of 'keeping' the male, you only need the bits. and pollenated plants (just a bud on the bottom or so) make stickier buds all over just incase you aren't into breeding/crossing, it does make the plant a better smoke. Someone else would have to tell you why tho, it's jut been my observation.


I just love this little banana guy. He's so.... male.
So I got an email from the company today and they asked me what the package said.They stated that it was possible for a mix up , but the only possible way it could have been mixed up is if they sent me a regular seed that would have been marked regular instead of fem.The bag they sent me is for sure marked feminised. I emailed them again telling them they sent me a male seed in a fem bag no way around it and that I would like it replaced.Guess I will have to wait till tomorrow to see what they say.if they care about their reputation they will replace it.If not I will be forced to bad mouth them in every weed forum I can find.
that is the only way I am going to go for now on.
So I got an email from the seedbank today and they sent me a discount code in the amount of the male seed.They were not happy that I chose to post on this forum but, I got to look out for my fellow tokers.So no worries guys this bank took care of me.Pass it on.

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